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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What Is A Puff Back?

3/30/2021 (Permalink)

wall and CARPET FLOOR COVERED IN SOOT, ONE CLEAN CIRCLE WHERE DURNITURE WAS, servpro fire, ct, servpro of the windsors The circle shows the unaffected portion of the carpet as it was covered by a piece of furniture. The remaining area is affected by soot damage.

What is a puff back you ask? Great question! The term is industry jargon and not universally recognized. A puff back happens when upon starting a heating system, the system misfires and releases smoke and soot particles throughout the entire system and then into the property. Puff backs can happen with both oil and gas type furnaces, boiler units, and water heaters alike. When a heating system misfires soot and smoke particles are released infiltrating all of the surface areas and belongings in the given space.  A puff back is one of the leading causes for fire remediation and remediation for this type of loss is elaborate, extensive, timely, and costly.  Be sure to have your system regularly given maintenance to avoid a puff back and if you do experience a puff back on your property and need assistance navigating uncharted waters, we can help.

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