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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Sump Pump Maintenance

6/10/2022 (Permalink)

white background, black sump pump, water damage clean up, water damage help, local, CT, SERVPRO This is an example of a standard sump pump. Practice good maintenance to prevent water damage.

One of the leading causes of water losses is sump pump failure! Here’s some helpful tips for sump pump maintenance to help avoid water damage! Perform the following steps quarterly to inspect, test, and maintain your sump pump.

  1. Disconnect the sump pump power cord from the outlet.
  2. Remove any water in the sump basin and clear away any debris near the pump inlet screen.
  3. Plug the power cords back into the outlet.
  4. Pour a fie gallon bucket of water into the sump basin and check to see if the pump powers itself on and off properly.
  5. Inspect outside to ensure the water is being properly released to the appropriate location.

If against your efforts the sump pump fails, SERVPRO can help with the water damage and refer you to a professional as needed. We are available 24/7 if you need us, give us a call.

Relationships Matter!

6/8/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo, state farm logo, travelers logo, farmers logo, the hartford logo SERVPRO has relationships with the nation's leading insurance companies!

Business magnate Henry Ford once said, "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." As fellow entrepreneurs we share in the sentiment! Which is why SERVPRO has many long-standing relationships with the nation’s leading insurance companies including State Farm, The Hartford, Farmer’s, Traveler’s, and many more, all to the advantage of our customers! These relationships have allowed us to understand the insurance companies’ policies, procedures, and expectations! Allowing for a more seamless claim experience! Adjusters are generally assigned claims by territory, which means often times we have worked with the adjuster handling local claims.  What that means for customers is that we are able communicate with adjusters more quickly and efficiently, reducing delays and frustrations while helping to make the claim process more manageable. If you have suffered from water damage and would like some assistance navigating the claims process call us any time!

RV Cleaning!

6/8/2022 (Permalink)

interior of RV- kitchen, table and bench seating, SERVPRO logo, vinyl floor Sparkle and shine! This RV is ready for the road!

In preparation for his next quest a local nomad called us in to prep his RV for the road. After a few adventures followed by an extended period of time without use, the treasured motor home was in need of serious attention! Our customer knew he would need some help with the cleaning. Recognizing this was a job for the pros, he contacted SERVPRO of The Windsors! We were glad to help! Our crew responded and performed an in-depth cleaning of the RV. From window and appliance cleaning, window cleaning, upholstery cleaning and power washing the exterior our crew cleaned every nook and cranny leaving no area untouched! Our customer was thrilled with the results and now more than ever, is excited to get back on the open road! Whatever your cleaning needs may be, SERVPRO of The Windsors can help you! Call our office to discuss your needs, we are looking forward to hearing from you!  

What is Asbestos and Why Does it Matter?

6/7/2022 (Permalink)

red bio hazard symbol Take caution! Asbestos is a bio-hazard!

Asbestos is a mineral fiber found in rock and soil. Due to its natural strength and heat resistant quality, asbestos has long been used in construction. Asbestos materials were especially widespread in use from the 1920’s-1970’s. Asbestos is most commonly found in vinyl floor tiles, insulation, pipe fittings, textured ceilings, and joint compound.

After many years we have learned the health effects greatly outweigh the benefits of asbestos materials in construction. So, in July of 1989 the EPA worked to ban asbestos containing material due to its toxicity. Asbestos is now recognized as a biohazardous material.

We are routinely performing demolition as part of remediation scope.  Understanding the threat of asbestos and to keep both our staff and property owners safe we always test for asbestos prior to performing any demolition. 

Asbestos is hazardous on any scale. According to OSHA, “No evidence of a threshold or safe level of exposure has been found.”

If you have concerns about asbestos in your home and need assistance with either testing or removal we can help. Before demolition is performed in in your home you must have asbestos testing performed. A licensed laboratory will need to perform the test and asbestos removal requires a licensed contractor here in CT. Additionally there are rules and regulations for the disposal of the removed asbestos containing material.

We hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have concerns of asbestos in your home call us today.

Hurricane Season 2022!

6/7/2022 (Permalink)

Hurricane above New Englad Storms above the NorthEast! What a view!

Hurricane Season has officially begun. The Atlantic Hurricane Season is from June 1st through November 30th. When most people think of hurricanes, places like Florida and Texas come to mind, but here in Connecticut we have experienced hurricanes to various severity. The last hurricane to reach landfall in CT dates all the way back to 1985!

While we experience hurricanes less frequently and severely than most southern states, we also experience; distinguishable to a Hurricane only by the wind speed and wind temps; tropical storms and coastal storms, lovingly referred to as Nor’Easters!

Tropical Storms are yearly occurrences and routinely cause widespread power outages, fallen trees, and property damage! Legendary basketball coach John Wooden said, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”, with that spirit in mind here’s the minimal steps to take in preparation of Connecticut’s storm season.

  • Have an emergency kit ready
    • Be sure to include- flashlights, water, first aid kit, and other essential items
  • Prepare for power outages
  • Keep yard clean
  • Keep emergency information close by- emergency contact info, insurance info, health info. etc.


How Much Do You Know About Mold?

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

Mold on a window, SERVPRO logo Mold is frequently found in homes near windows and doors. SERVPRO can help!

In the remediation business we see a lot of water and fire losses, but another common issues associated with water damage is mold! In the simplest words mold is a pain!

Mold has varying levels of severity. Take this quiz to see how much you know about mold. Our answer key is at the bottom. Don’t cheat!

What is the ideal condition for mold growth?

A. Warm and humid

B. Cold and humid

C. Hot and dry

What can you do to prevent mold growth?

A. Keep all doors and windows closed

B. Dry wet areas immediately

C. Avoid problem areas in your home

 What category water loss is mold considered? (Hint: Check out our blog on water categories)

A. Category 1

B. Category 6

C. Category 2

D. Category 3

What room in your home is most common for mold growth?

A. Basement

B. Kitchen

C. Bathroom

D. Any room in the home

Who do you call for Mold Remediation?

A. SERVPRO of The Windsors

B. Grandma & Grandpa

C. The Police

Answer Key:

  • Warm and humid
  • Dry wet areas immediately
  • Category 3
  • Any room in the home
  • SERVPRO of The Windsors

Emergency Board-up.

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

back side of apartment building, SERVPRO logo, windows boarded Blown out windows can allow for animals, rain, and vandals to enter the property. Board up's keep the property secure while waiting for repairs.

SERVPRO is well known as the leader in fire and water remediation but our services don't stop there. After employing our company for a few water remediation jobs a local property owner called our office for a board-up referral. He was relieved to learn that we could actually complete the necessary board up for him. Having used our services is the past, this property owner trusted us secure his property and make it safe while he waits to begin repairs. This board up was on a Friday afternoon, while the weekend was beginning for most, our teams were ready and waiting to assist our community! #heretohelp

Bathroom Areas Prone to Water Damage

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

bathroom fixtures, toilet, window, tub, towel bar, water damage, sink, green Monitor these areas in your bathrooms for signs of water damage.

While water damage can come from many sources, there are causes that come up more frequently. For example, in bathrooms the three most common causes of water damage we respond to are caused by broken and damaged shower tiles, leaking or unsecured toilet seals, and damaged grout. Homeowner’s can lessen their odds of suffering from water damage by inspecting the bathroom for the common culprits of water damage. When cleaning your bathroom or on a monthly consider inspecting your bathroom for common causes of water damage.  If you notice damaged shower tiles or grout or and you are unsure if there has been any water intrusion, our team can perform an assessment to include moisture reading to locate any water not visible. Call us any time.

Local Hotel Trusts SERVPRO of The Windsors

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

hotel room in windsor locks, water damge, servpro drying equipment, servpro logo, beds, chair, wood floors, sun shine Like it never even happened!

Experiencing a water damage loss is trying at any time, experiencing water damage after wrapping up extensive renovations, is agonizing.  A local hotel experienced that very fate recently. Having just finished renovations the hotel was ready to reopen its door and welcome their customers and community. However, soon after reopening, there was a pipe break! The damage created was extensive, over three inches of water accumulated in over a dozen rooms.  

The manager reached out immediately for emergency services. Working after hours our crew responded to first extract the water throughout the building.  We used two trucks mounts and a portable unit to extract as quickly as possible.  After all the water was removed our team cleaned and disinfected the surface areas.  Once the area was free of water and germs our team set up drying equipment.  The drying equipment will work to remove the moisture both in the air and from the building materials. 

The benefit of the immediate response is substantial. Since the water was removed so quickly and followed by an aggressive dry out, the property owners will be able to minimize the amount of demolition and subsequent repairs.

If you experience a similar situation we can help. As always, we are standing by, ready to respond to your emergencies. If you need us, please reach out at any time.

Local Firefighter House Calls in SERVPRO of The Windsors for Cleaning Services.

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

servpro of the windsors truck at fire house, blue skies, front of building, middletown fire, cleanup SERVPRO of The Windsors is honored to help and support our local heroes!

While making improvements to the sleeping quarters at a local firehouse, insulation was mistakenly released from the ceiling.  The fallen insulation created quite the mess by covering the space with minuscule particles. It is not uncommon for older insulation materials to contain vermiculate and fiberglass. Realizing the potential health risks and risk of contamination SERVPRO of The Windsors was called in to clean the space. Due to the minuteness of the particles, we chose the hepa vacuuming method. Hepa-vacuuming is a thorough cleaning process we implore for mold remediation and soot remediation and can capture minuscule particles.  The vacuuming is then followed up with washing and then disinfecting of all areas. The end result is a thoroughly cleaned and safe habitable space that allows our local heroes to keep their focus on their important work. Thank you for trusting SERVPRO of The Windsors.  

Home Fire In Windsor Locks, CT

4/5/2021 (Permalink)

television burned, melting tv, house fire in windsor locks, servpor of the windsor, charred wall` Here's the television that caused the fire! Scary! Luckily no one was injured.

Working in this industry makes you a little more receptive to an emergency plan, Like the ambulance worker who never goes without a seatbelt because of what they’ve seen, we are especially cautious when it comes to home threats and property damage.

However, even with heightened awareness there are always weird and unpredictable incidents. This week our team received another unique fire loss. A home in Windsor suffered a home fire caused television which went up in flames while our customer was in their bed fast asleep. 

As a mother, I’ve thought long and hard about how careful we are to mind our children. In the home we are mindful to the threats in the kitchen, around pools, or electrical sockets, etc., but a television catching fire and then the fire spreading throughout the home?! Who could ever anticipate that? The tv was an anomaly; so how can one possibly be prepared for a scenario like this?  The frightening truth is there are not much proactive measures you can take other than to make sure your electronics are in functioning condition and the wires are intact.

Unfortunately, we cannot anticipate every threat so prepare your family with an emergency response plan.  Be prepared to respond; have a plan of action.  Talk to your little ones today, have a meeting point, and an emergency escape plan that you and your family practice at least once a year, if possible, twice!  Make sure your children know emergency numbers and when and why to dial 911, have fire extinguishers and alarms functioning in place throughout the home that you test regularly.  Be well friends!

What Is A Puff Back?

3/30/2021 (Permalink)

wall and CARPET FLOOR COVERED IN SOOT, ONE CLEAN CIRCLE WHERE DURNITURE WAS, servpro fire, ct, servpro of the windsors The circle shows the unaffected portion of the carpet as it was covered by a piece of furniture. The remaining area is affected by soot damage.

What is a puff back you ask? Great question! The term is industry jargon and not universally recognized. A puff back happens when upon starting a heating system, the system misfires and releases smoke and soot particles throughout the entire system and then into the property. Puff backs can happen with both oil and gas type furnaces, boiler units, and water heaters alike. When a heating system misfires soot and smoke particles are released infiltrating all of the surface areas and belongings in the given space.  A puff back is one of the leading causes for fire remediation and remediation for this type of loss is elaborate, extensive, timely, and costly.  Be sure to have your system regularly given maintenance to avoid a puff back and if you do experience a puff back on your property and need assistance navigating uncharted waters, we can help.

Can It Be Saved? Determining Salvageable vs Non-salvageable.

3/29/2021 (Permalink)

servpro of the windsors tech,extractng water, water on floor, photo albums in the water, damaged boxes, toys, furniture There are many belongings damaged in this picture, can you identify the salvageable from the unsalvageable?

When people suffer water damage on their properties, often there is also damage to personal belongings. So how do determine what items are salvageable and what needs to be discarded? Well, there are several factors to consider. First, we have to consider the source of the water and it’s cleanliness. For instance, if you have a water loss caused by a sink overflow it will not adversely affect belongings as much as say a sump pump loss.  A sump pump loss with sewage involved would warrant discarding and replacement of all damaged items, while the sink flow scenario would likely just require some content cleaning.

After the cleanliness of the water, next we must consider the amount of water. We’ve seen homes with mere droplets and have serviced basements with water 7 feet high, literally. Also, how long has the water gone unaddressed? Water that has lingered for an extended period can cause health effects.

The type of material is another significant factor. Items made from metal and plastic are easily salvaged.   Oppositely, drywall, carpet, and gypsum board are porous and therefore easily permeated. Permeable materials suffer the most damage and may crumble, retain odor, or lose their durability.

Additionally, we also consider the homeowner’s preference. There are times where an item may be beyond salvaging and dysfunctional but irreplaceable to the homeowner, in that case, we exhaust our efforts to improve the condition as well as possible.  

This list is a brief look into some of the factors to consider when determining whether belongings can be salvaged after water damage. If you suffer from water damage and need assistance, we can help. SERVPRO of The Windsors routinely works with property owners to compile a thorough inventory and picture documentation to ensure compensation from your insurance provider.  Call us today!

Water Damage Timeline

3/29/2021 (Permalink)

servpro clock, servpro windsor CT, servpro logo, connecticut water damage, numerical text, servpro characters Time is of the essence! Do not delay remediation!

Oh no! A pipe broke in your home! You think it happened overnight and you got your wet and dry vac out right away. You think the damage is minimal. Is it? Let’s breakdown the water damage timeline.

Immediately water is released and begins to saturate your property and personal belongings.

Within minutes water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings. Electrical sockets are compromised.

After an hour or two, the drywall has swelled, metal surfaces begin to tarnish, furniture beings to warp.

After 48 hours mold growth begins, foul odor forms, metal rusts and furniture warping is extensive.

After one-week, structural safety is compromised, and the water is now biohazard-contaminated and poses health risks.

The effects of water damage can escalate quickly if not promptly and properly remediated. Be sure to include your favorite remediator in your list of emergency contacts to expedite the remediation process!  

Award Winner

3/22/2021 (Permalink)

servpro logo, script, green, box, awards in black squares, servpro franchise website Make helping others your legacy.

And the award goes to… SERVPRO! We are delighted to share SERVPRO has once again earned Entrepreneur Magazine’s recognition as the #1 Cleaning and Restoration Company and #10 overall in the Franchise 500! The title of #1 franchise in the cleaning and restoration industry is a title we have earned for the past consecutive twenty-one years! We are working hard to make it twenty-two!

A big shoutout to our sister franchisees across the country for their contribution as this recognition was collectively earned and a big thank you to the property owners, businesses, and municipalities that have entrusted us with keeping their homes, businesses, and family’s well-being.

We are pleased our efforts to help our communities were successful and thank everyone for the acknowledgment. We look forward to earning the honor again next year.

Here to Help.

2/19/2021 (Permalink)

servpro logo, flame, covid rna, mold spores, water SERVPRO! Responding to all your property needs!

There is a lot going on in the country right now! We have the ongoing pandemic, civil unrest, and catastrophic, unparalleled weather events. SERVPRO of The Windsors understands these are unfamiliar and challenging times and we want to help! We are standing by and ready to respond to all emergencies. Keep reading for a quick recap of the issues SERVPRO is responding to both locally and nationally.

Water Damage Cleanup/Restoration – We are prepared with the equipment and staff to remove water quickly and efficiently from your property and mitigate subsequent damages.

Fire/Smoke Restoration – We can perform any necessary board up's, packing, or any other fire related service needs.

Mold Removal – Water damaged homes will be susceptible to mold, we can help.

Virus & Biohazard Cleanup – We provide COVID19 disinfection cleaning services to both residential and commercial properties.

We are available 24/7. Do not hesitate to call. We hope everyone stays safe.  

Commercial Water Loss

1/26/2021 (Permalink)

commercial hallway with carpet and wall, drying equipnet in place, servpro logo, windosr ct "Like it never even happened."

One loss our team responded to this week is a commercial water loss in Windsor, CT. A financial company with a large and beautiful building suffered from water damage caused by a water line to their instant hot. This type of loss is more common than people think. People are also surprised by how much water can be released when the machinery fails. Consider this your reminder to check the conditions of your lines and hoses!

This property we are remediating has over 7,500 square feet affected by the water. Our team came in straight away.  We have extracted all the water and have now set up drying equipment, pictured here. Notice the equipment is set up to prevent any interference to the business. The business has already been adversely affected by the water damage, SERVPRO of The Windsors works to prevent secondary damage, including business disruption. If your business experiences water damage, we can help keep your doors open too.

Impending Weather

12/24/2020 (Permalink)

Christmas tree with servpro logo tree topper in the rain, ornaments, bows gingerbread man We are in for a rainy Christmas Day!

It would not be 2020 if Christmas Day did not have any commotion, am I right? The treat of the day will be hurricane-like winds, along with the heavy rains. Combine those two factors with the large amount of snow on the ground leftover from last week’s storm and there’s a chance you may have some new visitors this year, us, SERVPRO!

While we are taking a comedic tone, we know strong winds and heavy rain can really cause severe property damage.  We wanted to take a moment to remind you, we will be available throughout the holiday to respond to any emergencies. We hope you do not need us but will be here if you do. We wish you all have a safe and happy holiday. Merry Christmas from our family to yours.

Frozen Pipe Response Plan

12/23/2020 (Permalink)

Tips to avoid frozen pipes Follow these quick and easy steps to address frozen pipes!

While we all hope to avoid frozen pipes in the winter. The reality is through all efforts pipes are going to freeze and water damage will occur as result. It is an unfortunate reality. If you should meet this fate it is better to be equipped with a response plan. So here are four quick and easy tips of action to perform if your pipes have ALREADY frozen over.

First, locate the water main shut-off valve and turn off the water

Second, open the faucet so thawing water can flow freely & relieve pressure

Third, warm the pipes w/ a space heater or hairdryer

Fourth, close faucets and turn on water

Fifth, check for leaks

After taking these initial steps you find leaks causing water damage follow the next two steps:

Protect your belongings

Call SERVPRO of The Windsors! We will take it from here.

Go With the (SERV)PRO’S!!

12/21/2020 (Permalink)

office building, desks, wter coming from ceiling, servpro logo, CT water damage, files, partitions Protect your business by trusting professionals!

We trust specialists with our medical needs, vehicle needs, and even for the perfect floral arrangements. Across all areas, services are specialized. So when your business suffers property damage why should this be any different? Why would you trust your custodian with your remediation needs? Instead, call the experts.  SERVPRO of The Windsor’s has a team with over a century of combined experience.  Our team responds weekly to commercial property damage. No matter how big or how small the loss. We have seen countless unique scenarios and have never come across a job we couldn’t handle. We like to call ourselves Figure-it-outers! Where there is a will, there is a way! Each experience equips us with new information and insight we use to educate ourselves, colleagues, and customers. We then use the information as one more tool in our arsenal to better serve our customers. If you have a commercial service need please contact us today.

FAQ’s-Water Damage

12/18/2020 (Permalink)

water droplets, servpro logo, script faq-water damage, water damage ct, south windsor, windsor, servpro FAQ-Water Damage!

Knowledge is power, understanding is priceless. So we are here to share the top three most frequently asked questions and provide the answers! Keep reading!  

Can you make the repair?

                -No, we do not fix any toilet, plumbing, ice dam or similar issues. We come in to provide remediation after repairs have been made but we can make a referral to reputable service providers based on your needs.

Will my insurance cover this?

Most water damage is covered by insurance-toilet, and tub overflows, pipe breaks, ice damming etc. Condo insurance policies have greater limitations and losses involving sump pumps tend to need an additional endorsement on your policy for coverage. If you have questions regarding your insurance coverage, call us to discuss your specific loss, with decades of experience our office understands the ins and outs of insurance coverages.  

How much will remediation cost?

            Pricing varies based on many factors-square footage involved, cause of the damage, building materials involved etc. No two claims are alike so it’s impossible to give real costs. However, we bill use insurance mandated software and work with the property owner and insurance providers to receive approval before any costs are incurred.

Understanding Fire Damage-Smoke vs. Soot

12/18/2020 (Permalink)

smoke and soot black and white photo, servpro logo, script smoke vs soot Smoke vs Soot-Do you know the difference?

When we talk about fire damage, people often have misunderstandings.  After a property suffers a fire there can be a variety of secondary damage. The damage often includes water damage, caused by the extinguishing of the fire and a combination of smoke and soot damage. People commonly mistake soot and smoke as the same things, they are not. Continue reading to learn more about smoke and soot.

Smoke – Smoke is the result of combustion. Smoke contains solids, liquids and gases. If

smoke contains hot oils, which are cooled rapidly, they can form a film on surfaces that can be difficult to remove.

Soot – Soot is the solid residues as a result of combustion. Soot is the part of the material that did not burn, called the product of incomplete combustion.

If your home suffers from smoke or soot damage, we can help. Call us today for your emergency needs or an obligation free consultation.

Roof Snow Removal

12/16/2020 (Permalink)

image of a roof gutter, with melting snow on it, script avoid ice dams in orange box, servpro water, ice dam, water clean CT Ice Dams are a leading Cause of Property Damage!

Bracing for the impending weather, I went through my own checklist and confirmed all my supplies are in order and readily available. I’ve pulled out all my winter gear and tools: gloves, hats, boots, shovels, salt, and a snow rake. The snow rake is an underused game changer in a homeowner’s home maintenance toolbox. (With limitations, primarily property height.) Snow rakes are used to remove snow from roofs.   If you don’t own one, now is the time to acquire your own.

Removing snow from your roof is an important step in avoiding ice dams which result in a tremendous amount of property damage each year. We’ve seen ice dam insurance claims reach tens of thousands of dollars! So be sure to get that snow off the roof!

When doing so here are some best practice tips to follow:

  • Don the proper gear-gripping and undamaged footwear, harnesses when possible, gloves to avoid frostbite
  • Do not begin your raking at the top, instead begin with overhangs and then slowly work your way up to, this will avoid snow build up which makes it difficult to remove.
  • Do not pull too much snow at once
  • Do not use a metal shovel/rake which may damage your roof, use a plastic shovel/rake instead
  • Use quality tools- Roof rake should be textured on the blade which will limit the scraping of the roof and thus preventing damage.
  • Do not go on a roof when it’s still snowing

If raking and/or shoveling becomes too dangerous, consider hiring a snow removal company. These unexpected costs aren’t ideal but trump risking injury and or property damage. If through all your efforts you are still faced with ice dams, we can help! Season’s greetings!

Seasonal Vehicle Maintenance

12/16/2020 (Permalink)

interior of a cheule-tan seats, mold on seat belt and seats, mold remediation servpro of the windsors, ct water remediation Here's an example of mold growth in a vehicle! Eek!

Most people are mindful of their home maintenance, especially here in New England as we embrace the changing seasons and weather elements. But what about seasonal car maintenance?  In our line of work, we handle all remediation. So our resume includes water, fire, and mold damage in vehicles too! That may be surprising to some people but when you think about it maybe it shouldn’t be. If your anything like me you live part-time in your car. Many of the things we do in our home we do in our car though perhaps more infrequently! We spend hours a week in our vehicles, eat, sleep, and sometimes even change clothes in them! A vehicle is a tiny home after all!

When there’s so much activity in our vehicles and exposure to the elements there’s similar threats to our vehicles as to our home. Here’s some tips to seasonal car maintenance!

  • Flush the cooling system and replace coolant
  • Inspect and replace wiper blades as needed
  • Replenish windshield fluid
  • Keep car free of bio debris (food, leaves, etc.)
  • Check and maintain proper tire pressure
  • Install winter tires
  • Apply a wax layer to your vehicle

No Snow Days Off!

12/15/2020 (Permalink)

green backgrond, script-severe weather alert, servpro connecticut water damage, light rain Weather Alert!

Are you ready for the heavy snow we are getting this week? There is going to be so much that snow forecasts are past measuring inches and are measuring by the foot now! The good news for our customers is SERVPRO does not have snow days. We are always open rain, snow, weekends, after-hours, and holidays. Your business cannot close, so we don’t either! If you experience any issues due to the bad weather, we are ready to help. Broken pipes, leaking roof, saturated foundations, ice dams, wind damage, we are ready to respond to it all. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Take one more preparation step by adding us to your emergency contact list! If you need us, we will be standing by.

SERVPRO's Third Annual First Responders Bowl!

12/13/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo, script, SERVPRO first responder bowl, white red, blue, CT The game must go on!

We are excited to announce the third annual SERVPRO First Responder’s Bowl will be played Saturday, December 26th. Kickoff goes down at 3:30pm (ET). Maintaining tradition, the game will be played at the famed Gerald J. Ford Stadium at SMU in Dallas, Texas.

So, following the excitement of Christmas Day, spend your Saturday enjoying a celebratory game of football. This year has been a reminder to appreciate those who put others before themselves, our local everyday heroes who are too often taken for granted. Thank you to all our first responders! So, join us for the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl as we recognize our family, friends, and neighbors who work every day protecting and serving our communities. Also, is it really the holiday season without America's favorite pastime?  

Fire is Terrifying.

12/13/2020 (Permalink)

picture of a house that had a fire, charred wood, all furniture burnt, roof gone, soot everywhere The aftermath of a recent house fire.

Fire is terrifying.  Complete destruction, homes and buildings burned to the ground can be achieved in mere minutes. Frankly, it is terrifying. Just this week we responded to a devastating home fire. Here we are in the middle of a pandemic, holiday season, and this poor family has lost their refuge and every material possession they owned. Everything in a matter of minutes.  

This particular fire was caused by a chimney and out of the family’s control. Which reminds us we cannot control everything. So, while we must practice fire safety and work to prevent home fires, we must also prepare for the aftermath of a home fire. We must be proactive and prepared to be reactive.

At the very minimum take these precautions to prepare yourself.

-Keep fire extinguishers in your home.

-Have an evacuation plan (practice with your children!)

-Have an emergency plan

-Maintain insurance coverage

The thought of a home fire is scary but less so when we have a response plan in place. We wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season.

SERVPRO of The Windsors Assists Local Bank with Remediation

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

Commercial hallway after water damage in windsor ct, air movers in place, SERVPRO logo, SERVRO ct The area was left clean and accessible while still allowing the drying process to effectively take place.

Our reputation precedes us, both locally and nationally. When a local bank in Hartford county had a pipe break, they knew they needed a professional to remediate properly.  Taking cue from a close confidant the bank manager contacted SERVPRO of The Windsors. With our nationally recognized name and exemplary local reputation as the number one remediation company the bank manager knew she could count on us.

Within two hours of the call, our crew was onsite with services underway. Technicians began by extracting water and moving out contents. The onsite supervisor proficiently coordinated the team of 6. Finishing up with cleaning and the placement of drying equipment our crew was able to get the bank to safe conditions in just a few hours’ time. The holiday season coupled with banks allowing in-person visits by appointment only makes the need to prevent business disruption more important than ever. With the prompt and heavy response, for this local business, it was “Like it never even happened.”

Local Manufacturer Calls In SERVPRO of The Windsors for Cleaning, Sanitization, and Disinfection.

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

warehouse in east windsor ct, tech in PPE, fog machine, open door, SERVPRO logo Protect your business and employees with cleaning, sanitization, and disinfecting by the pros!

It’s the call all businesses are now dreading, an employee has coronavirus. So, when a local business had an employee’s spouse test positive for Coronavirus, action had to be taken.  After learning of the exposure to the employee and subsequently the entire staff, a local manufacturer called SERVPRO of the Windsors to perform cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection services.

First, our team geared up donning heavy PPE including respirators, full body coveralls, goggles, and gloves. Following the wardrobe change our crew cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected over 12,000 sq ft! As part of the cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting, workers cleaned surfaces with special attention paid to frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, countertops, computers, phones, and desks.

Our crew’s final task was to place the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned decal on the door. Placing the Certified: SERVPRO Clean sticker shows the business had professional cleaning services, giving peace of mind to the staff and visitors.

Kudos to this business for their prompt and vigilant action!

Weekend Forecasts Predicts Snow!

12/4/2020 (Permalink)

green background, script storm alert, ct SERVPRO logo, SERVPRO windsors ct, orange border Storm Alert!

Hello Friends and fellow Nor’easters! Have you heard the latest weather forecast?! As promised in an earlier blog, winter is coming, and now the snow is arriving! That’s right we are expecting snow this weekend.  A storm watch alert has been issued for multiple counties in our great state. While we had a very small taste a few weeks back it’s the first significant snowfall of the year. Hartford County will see 1 to 2 inches, while in the Tolland and Windham Counties there is a possibility of 6-7 inches of snow! It’s not cold enough just yet for ice dams but there’s opportunity for other damage so if you haven’t already, be sure to perform your seasonal home maintenance! If you have any issues due to the bad weather, we are here to help! Windstorm, hailstorm, snowstorm know that SERVPRO of the Windsors has your back, call us anytime!

Do You Know How to Use a Fire Extinguisher?

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

Orange background, fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher directions, script steps 1,2,3,4 fire extignuisher, fire use near me Master fire extinguisher use with these four easy steps!

From a young age we are taught that if you play with fire you will get burnt. We are taught fire safety and protocols in case you ever have the misfortune of being in a fire yourself. Who remembers STOP, DROP, & ROLL.

What we aren’t taught is how to properly use a fire extinguisher. We all have seen fire extinguishers; we know what they are, but how many people know how to use them? This knowledge is crucial so that you’re able to contain and extinguish a fire. Well luckily for you we are here to help…. Here are the four steps to correctly using a fire extinguisher. Before beginning with the steps remember, DO NOT PANIC!

  1. Pull the Pin.
  1. Aim the nozzle at the base of the flame. (Hitting the tops of the flame will not be effective)
  1. Squeeze the trigger firmly in a controlled manner, in order to release the agent.
  1. Sweep (using the nozzle) from side to side until the fire is put out.

Winter is Coming!

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

white background, script, SERVPRO near me, SERVPRO logo, winter is coming the windsors SERVPRO near me, windsor ct Winter is Coming! SERVPRO of The Windsors stays ready!

Winter is coming. I wish I were merely referencing the renowned Game of Thrones quote but sadly, I mean it more literally. Winter is coming! We are now just a few short weeks away from the official first day of winter. Looking ahead, the fourteen day forecast predicts some relatively warm days, so try to get outside and enjoy the last few days before the cold sets in! Now is also the time to prep your car, turnover your closets, (take advantage of the abundant online deals now!), and perhaps most importantly, perform your annual winter maintenance and prepare your home!  Should you need any help with the maintenance, please contact us directly and keep an eye out on the blog for a detailed winter home maintenance tip post! Hajas!  #heretohelp

Gutter Maintenance Prevents Water Damage!

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

gutters in ct filled with leaves, SERVPRO logo Leaves and debris can cause a lot of havoc if not removed!

Here is New England the foliage is a fall highlight. While the foliage is beautiful once it falls there’s work to be done!  Property owners must remove all leaves and other debris from gutters to avoid water damage. Yes, a common culprit of water damage is dirty or faulty gutters. Gutter systems control the flow of rainwater from roofs therefore they have the potential to cause major damage to roofs and walls. As always, we are here to help. Here are a few easy steps to maintain/clean your gutters.

  1. Begin by preparing your tools, ladder, and PPE
  2. Remove large debris by hand
  3. Use a gutter scoop tool to remove smaller debris
  4. Flush out the gutters with a garden hose and nozzle (start away from and work towards the downspout)
  5. Clean the downspouts

Now that the gutters are clean, inspect them for leaks, cracks, and other damage to avoid future problems. Flush the gutters again to ensure correct slope and drainage.

Safety tips-

*Wait for a dry, low wind day (in addition to the safety measure, wet leaves are a lot harder to move)

*Practice ladder safety

*Wear safety goggles to keep debris from disturbing your eyes

*Wear thick quality gloves for better grip and to avoid hurting your hands

Christmas Tree Fire Prevention

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

Decorated Christmas tree, SERVPRO logo, script-we all know holiday trees are a common fire hazard but why? Don't let the joy of the holiday season be interrupted by a fire!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Food, presents, festivities, time off from work! So many great things to look forward to during the holiday season.  Did we mention the decorations! I love Christmas décor! Wreaths, garland, sparkle, snowflakes, reindeer, Santa, ahh I love it all! Let’s not forget the crème de la crème, the Christmas tree! So many options 8 foot or 3?! White or green?! Minimal décor or an abundant amount? Besides it’s religious symbolism the Christmas tree is a representation of expression and creativity! While there is much to appreciate about the Christmas tree, they are not without risks. So, from your friends at SERVPRO of The Windsors here are some helpful tips to keep your Christmas Tree safe!

  1. Place the tree away from heat threats-fireplaces, candles, lights.
  2. Keep real trees watered.
  3. Do not add chemicals to help with the hydration.
  4. Turn your lights off nightly.
  5. Make sure lights and other electrical decorations are free of defects and in good working condition.
  6. Avoid overloading electrical sockets.
  7. Decorate the lower part of the tree with pets and small children in mind.

So Much More!

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

green and white background, three gold medals with orange and green lanyards, SERVPRO logo Choose the industry leader SERVPRO for all your service needs! #1

When people hear SERVPRO they think of water and fire, understandable as we are the industry leader. While these services are our primary services, we have much more on our menu. We would like to take a moment to remind everyone of a few of the additional services we provide!

Construction Services- from minor pain jobs to entire home remodels-we offer all construction services

Biohazard Clean up-Blood, death, covid, our teams are trained and equipped to handle it all.

Vandalism/Crime Scene Clean-up-It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it.

Board-up and Tarping- 24/7 we will respond to your emergency and protect your home, any day, any time.

Carpet Cleaning-We carpet clean using a truck-mounted system which gives an aggressive cleaning superior to standard carpet cleaning

Document Restoration- If you have documents damaged by water or fire-they may be salvageable-time is of the essence!

Packout Services- Moving out? Moving your parents in? We offer full pack-out services!

Proactive Commercial Cleaning and Sanitization.

11/27/2020 (Permalink)

Hallway, green and orange, script: Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned logo Call us to learn more about Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned services!

The holiday season is filled with fun, food, family, and friends.  While these celebratory days are some of the most cherished days of the year, this year we are haunted by the threat of an unseen culprit. The coronavirus has seen us limit our shopping, dining, and even the number of people we can spend the special days with. While we hope everyone is adhering to guidelines on both the state and federal level to limit exposure, the reality is the threat remains.  With staff returning to the workplaces, business managers and owners must be extra diligent in their safety precautions.  Here is where we can help.

Our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program offers a customizable thorough deep cleaning to your business.  As the leader in the remediation industry SERVPRO is recognized as an authority on cleaning and sanitization.  Our teams spend thousands of hours a year cleaning and responding to unique clean up disasters. Our in-house lab has created an effective, FDA recognized disinfectant. Give your staff and customers peace of mind with a proactive SERVPRO cleaning.  If you would like services or a consultation please reach out to us, we are here to help.

Small Business Saturday!

11/25/2020 (Permalink)

Green background, SERVPRO logo, script saying "Small Business Saturday" Shop small and support local businesses!

This week, November 28th is Small Business Saturday. Following a rush on major retailers on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday highlights the opportunity to support small businesses! Small businesses are an important part of both our state’s and nation’s income. This year is extra important as the need to support the businesses that have been most heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is greater than ever. Small businesses have been hit harder than most. Supporting a small business means preserving jobs, keep businesses open, and supporting entrepreneurship! So join us as we do our part in supporting small businesses! Support the little guy! Consider purchasing gift cards to local restaurants to enjoy later, buy gift cards for beauty services, support local artists, and if you have any needs for your home or business from cleaning or remediation, please consider our small business! Happy shopping!  #SupportCTBusinesses

Water Damage Quiz! How Much Do You know?!

11/25/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo and blue question mark made of water Trivia time!

How much do you know about water damage and prevention? Water is the most common losses we see in our industry and it’s a costly one! What to do if you find yourself in a situation where your property faces water damage? Take this quick water damage quiz, the answers are below.

What is the most common cause of residential water damage?

  • Children
  • Plumbing Issues
  • Living by a body of water

What is the most common season for pipes bursting?

  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall

What is one of the best ways to prevent your pipes from freezing?

  • Keep the heat off
  • Keep all the doors in your home closed
  • Allow the faucet to drip
  • Remove insulation

On average how much does water damage cost the insurance industry per year?

  • $12 Million
  • $900,000
  • $2.5 Billion

Who’s the best person to assist your remediation?

  • Your Parents
  • My neighbor
  • SERVPRO of The Windsors

Answer Key

  • Plumbing Issues
  • $2,700
  • Winter
  • Allow Faucet to drip
  • $2.5 billion
  • SERVPRO of The Windsors

Local SERVPRO disaster mitigation specialist says the COVID-19 pandemic is a tough reminder that “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.”

9/6/2020 (Permalink)

green background, SERVPRO logo Prepare for the unexpected!

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) September 2, 2020 - Each year, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designates September as National Preparedness Month to promote the importance of family and community disaster planning. This year’s theme, “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today,” resonates strongly as local communities and communities around the world battle the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. For disaster mitigation specialists like Antonio Senese of SERVPRO® of The Windsors, the scope and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all aspects of everyday life, health, and well-being have magnified the importance of SERVPRO’s ongoing message to the communities it serves: When disaster strikes, preparedness is the best defense.

“Before COVID-19 exploded into a global crisis, ‘disaster preparedness’ for the everyday home or business owner was largely dictated by the hazards unique to their location or their business,” said Senese. “For some, that meant preparing for hurricanes and water damage; for others, tornadoes, flooding, wind damage, or even wildfires. But COVID-19 taught us that everyone – individuals and business owners alike – needs to be prepared for a national emergency that may disrupt food and medical supplies, transportation systems, schools, businesses, and every single aspect of everyday life that we take for granted. We’ve learned that, no matter where you live or work, in addition to your ‘disaster’ preparations, making certain that you have a stock of some basic items on hand can make a huge difference if a national or global event suddenly disrupts – or even stops – everyday life.”

Senese emphasizes that everyone still needs to have a disaster preparedness plan in place. FEMA provides easy-to-use disaster planning guidelines at https://www.ready.gov, and home and business owners both can take advantage of free tools like the SERVPRO READY app at https://ready.SERVPRO.com/home/mobileapp. The app stores essential contact and property information electronically where it can be accessed with a mobile device in seconds if disaster strikes. Local business owners can take an additional preparedness step by designating SERVPRO of The Windsors as their disaster mitigation and restoration provider. SERVPRO professionals will conduct a no-cost assessment of the facility and assist the owner in completing a comprehensive Emergency READY Profile® (ERP) to be stored in the READY app.

But, Senese says, COVID-19 has taught us we need to rethink and add to our disaster-preparedness toolkits. “We are all still struggling with a ‘disaster’ that has disrupted not only our lives and our jobs, but our entire community, our society, and the supply chain that we depend on.” While in retrospect, the shortages of some of these items have become the stuff of urban legend, Senese says it’s a good idea to stockpile a supply of items for which there are no easy substitutes. “Toilet paper; yeast and flour for breadmaking; detergents; canned foods, fruits, and vegetables; pet foods and cat litter; fresh dairy items; diapers; and a host of other items were in short supply for weeks at the beginning of the crisis,” said Senese. “Think back on those weeks and keep a supply of the things that you just don’t want to do without – along with some shelf-stable dairy items, dried beans, and frozen meals. Use them before they expire but be sure to replace them.”

The disaster remediation specialists at SERVPRO of The Windsors extend their sincere sympathy to those who have lost loved ones or have been otherwise affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. For East Windsor-area commercial and residential customers, SERVPRO of The Windsors continues to specialize in disaster restoration, cleanup, and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened.” For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at (860) 627-0763 or antonios@SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on SERVPRO® and the SERVPRO Emergency READY Program, please visit https://ready.SERVPRO.com.

SERVPRO® Alerts Local Grill Masters: Grilling Fires Peak in July

7/1/2020 (Permalink)

geeen square with white script that reads safety first Fire and water clean-up professionals offer East Windsor area homeowners tips for safe outdoor cooking

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 6/30/2020— The summer grilling season is here, and outdoor cooking and socially-distanced picnic gatherings are a welcome change for families eager to get out and enjoy the warm weather. As families and friends prepare their next outdoor feast, Antonio Senese of SERVPRO of The Windsors a local fire and disaster remediation specialist, urges

East Windsor area property owners to keep some sobering “grilling fire facts” from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in mind.1

  • Gas grills, hibachis, and barbeques are involved in an average of 8,900 home fires each year, including 3,900 structure fires and 4,900 outdoor fires. Charcoal or other solid-fueled grills contribute to another 1,300 home fires per
  • An average of 19,700 patients each year visit emergency rooms because of injuries involving grills. Nearly half (9,500 or 48%) of the injuries are thermal burns from fire (about 4,300) and from contact with hot objects (about 5,200). Children under five account for an average of 2,000 of those contact-type
  • July is the peak month for grill fires (18%), including both structure, outdoor or unclassified fires, followed by June (15%), May (13%) and August (12%).

“According to the NFPA, three out of five households own a gas grill – and gas grills are the chief culprit in home grilling fires,” says Senese.  “And while grill-related fires peak between May and August, nearly half of home grillers use their grill year-round.” Senese shares the following advice from the NFPA2 with East Windsor area homeowners to help ensure that the only smoke coming from their outdoor feast is from their grill, and not from a property fire.

All grills

  • Use your propane or charcoal grill outdoors only. Place your grill away from your home or deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging
  • Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the grill area, and never leave your grill
  • Keep your grill clean. Remove grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill. Always make sure your gas grill lid is open before lighting it.

Propane Grills

  • Check the gas tank hose for leaks before using it for the first time each
  • If you smell gas while cooking, immediately get away from the grill and call the fire department. Do not move the grill.
  • If the flame goes out, turn the grill and gas off and wait at least five minutes before re-lighting

Charcoal Grills

  • A charcoal chimney starter uses newspaper as a fuel to start the charcoal. If you use a starter fluid instead, use only charcoal starter fluid. If you choose an electric charcoal starter, make sure to use an extension cord for outdoor
  • Keep charcoal fluid out of the reach of children and away from heat sources. Never add charcoal fluid or any other flammable liquids to the fire.
  • When you are finished grilling, let the coals cool completely before transferring them to a metal container for disposal.

“Even if no one is injured, a home fire can be devastating. It can destroy not just property but priceless memories and create chaos in the aftermath,” said Senese “Cleaning-up after a fire can feel overwhelming because it often involves smoke and water damage beyond the damage from the flames. While we hope that these guidelines will help East Windsor area homeowners have a safe, fire-free grilling season, accidents can happen. If you do experience a structure fire, our SERVPRO-trained professionals can help get you on the road to normal, managing clean-up efforts and helping with insurance and recovery. When disaster strikes, our goal, always, is to make it seem "Like it never even happened."

Four Key Things to Look for as Businesses Reopen

5/24/2020 (Permalink)

Commerical table with Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program tabletops placed If a facility has the ‘Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned’ seal, you can rest assured it has been taken to ‘a higher level of clean!

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 05/26/20 For the past several months, people across the country have been sheltering at home to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It is no surprise that many consumers are now nervous about rejoining their communities and reentering public spaces. A recent nationally recognized survey reported that 89% of consumers were hesitant about visiting a brick-and-mortar business and 40% cited cleanliness as a top concern.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our definition of clean. As the country slowly begins to reopen, local professional cleaning specialist Antonio from SERVPRO of

The Windsors notes four things people should look for when they reenter their community to help ensure they are stepping into a healthy environment.

1.  Look for “signs” of clean.

When you first walk into a building, you should immediately take inventory of whether the space has been cleaned recently. A clean space should be free of visible dirt and trash. Fingerprints on doors and windows and stains on countertops and tables may indicate a relaxed attitude towards cleaning. High-touch surfaces should be disinfected regularly. Oftentimes, you can smell a freshly cleaned facility. Standalone sanitation stations are a good sign that preventing the spread of germs is a priority. You may notice physical signage stating when the space was last cleaned, who is servicing the facility, or details of a regular cleaning regimen. Many businesses are also hanging signage to remind guests and employees of proper social distancing standards.

2.  What adjustments have staff made?

Everyone has a responsibility to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The staff of retail businesses, restaurants, or community centers should be professionally trained in CDC-approved cleaning methods. If employees are not using proper techniques or products, it might be because of a lack of proper training. Likewise, look for staff who are wearing gloves and masks and who are practicing safe distancing when interacting with customers. It is obvious when the business is not protecting its employees. People should not come before profits.

3. What adjustments has the business made to the physical space?

Many businesses and facilities have made physical changes to their buildings to help reduce the risk of spreading illness. The business may adjust the traffic flow of patrons to prevent congested areas. Contactless points-of-sale are becoming more common, and many businesses are constructing barriers between employees and guests. Some are even adding markers on floors to indicate safe distances. One good way to help prevent the spread of infection is to reduce the

number of touch points, such as propping doors open and opening windows to increase airflow. Some businesses are going a step further and reducing the number of guests allowed inside the space at one time.

  1. Does it look like “business as usual?”

In the same way that the country changed following 9/11, what we once knew as “normal” may change forever. If a facility is still operating in the way it did before the coronavirus pandemic, there is a good chance the managers or staff are not taking the illness seriously and are not prioritizing the health of their employees and guests. Many have reduced their hours of operation or offered times when they are open only for at-risk individuals, such as senior citizens or those who are immune-compromised. Before stepping out of your door, check the company’s social media pages or their website for communications about their hours and the steps they are taking to protect patrons. These locations should be following federal, state, and local mandates with regard to safety.

Reopening America requires all of us to move forward together by practicing social distancing and other daily habits to help reduce the risk of exposure to the coronavirus.

“We see it as our duty—not our job—to inspire confidence with consumers and employees by helping ensure businesses are ‘Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned’*,” Antonio Senese owner of SERVPRO of The Windsors said. “Whether it is an office building, restaurant, retail space, event center, school, daycare, or any other location, we’re here to help—24 hours a day, 7 days a week—in the communities we call home.”

“Just because a company is the expert in their business doesn’t mean they are experts in clean. We are trained and experienced—our business is ‘clean’,” added Senese. “If a facility has the ‘Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned’ seal, you can rest assured it has been taken to ‘a higher level of clean.’”

SERVPRO specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup, and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at

860-627-0763 or SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on the “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” program, please visit www.SERVPRO.com.

*Certified: SERVPRO® Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA-approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.

Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – A Defensive Cleaning Program!

5/13/2020 (Permalink)

Table tent signs describing the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program on top of a wooden table. Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers ongoing safety and assuredness.

Let us help you get back to business!

As our communities re-open, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned,but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of The Windsors today at 860-627-0763 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

* #1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based Commercial Attitude & Usage Tracking study. Polling 816 commercial business decision makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Study conducted by C&R Research: October 2019

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.  Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

SERVPRO of The Windsors: No Job Too Tough!

3/26/2020 (Permalink)

crawlspace, four foot high, tight space with green air movers in place, servpro logo. A Look at a crawlspace SERVPRO recently remediated after a sewage loss.

In our profession we see a great many things…somethings we wish we hadn’t!  As part of our remediation services, we find ourselves working in tough conditions.  Some days we work in homes without power in the cold of a northeastern winter. Other days we are working in extreme heat in attics during the peak of summer.  Some days we work in huge warehouses where the walk from one end to another feels like a voyage. Other days we work in crawlspaces without enough height to stand. Then there are of course the jobs involving sewage, blood, or other biohazardous waste.   Oh, the joy!

The thing about our team is despite all that I have mentioned, we never turn down or walk away from a job. There is no job too difficult or too gross for our team of experts! We do it all, whether it be squeezing into small spaces, to diving into the filthiest of jobs. There is nothing we are not prepared to handle!  If you find yourself dealing with a mess, give us a call. We have a team ready to take on the challenge, so you don’t have to. 

In the News, Part 16! SERVPRO Encourages Connecticut Property Owners to Prepare Now for Severe Spring Weather

3/10/2020 (Permalink)

photo of a newspaper, white with black scripet, servpro logo, reading in the news Keep up with SERVPRO of The Windsors!

East Windsor, CT, (Grassroots Newswire) 03/10/2020— According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), flooding is the most common natural disaster in the U.S.1 Antonio Senese of SERVPRO of The Windsors wants local home and business owners to know that the approaching spring season is notorious for flood-producing weather, so now is the time to prepare for the unpredictable.

“The water damage caused by a broken pipe, malfunctioning clothes or dishwasher, backed up gutters, or damaged roof is typically limited in scope and pretty straightforward to deal with,” says Senese. “Depending on where you live and work, however, you may also be at risk for flooding caused by rain, melting snow, coastal storms, storm surges, overflows of dams, ice jams in rivers, or a severe spring storm. Those are the types of flooding risks you need to plan for in advance.”

While some areas are more prone to flooding than others, FEMA warns that everyone lives in an area with some flood risk, so it’s important to understand your risk and take the appropriate steps to prepare. You can discover the flooding risk for your specific home or business address here2, but even those who live in a “low flood risk” zone should heed weather warnings. Here are some of spring’s common flood- related weather hazards and where they are most likely to occur.

  • Thunderstorms: The Southeast sees the greatest number of thunderstorms while the West Coast sees the fewest. They occur most often in the spring and summer months during the afternoon and evening hours but can occur anywhere and anytime. These powerful storms can dump large amounts of rain in a short period of time, resulting in flooding and power outages. In an average year, the U.S. experiences about 100,000 3
  • Snow Melt: Areas of the U.S. that receive a lot of snowfall are subject to flooding from snow melt. As warming temperatures melt the snow on top of frozen ground, water can pour into basements and flood yards and streets. Communities downstream of heavy snowpack areas are at flooding risk from streams and rivers swollen with melted snow and Communities along rivers are subject to flooding due to ice jams that block the river’s flow.
  • Coastal Flooding: Flooding events during or following a coastal storm are common, but changes in average sea level and ongoing development have led to a new phenomenon for coastal communities—Blue Sky or Sunny Day Spring is one of the times when this phenomenon occurs, when the Moon’s orbit brings it closest to the Earth, and the Moon, Sun and Earth align, resulting in extraordinarily high tides. Coastal flooding is most common along the Northeast and Gulf Coasts.

“It’s great to look forward to the warmer days of spring, but it’s also important to remember that this change in the weather can trigger some unsettled and even dangerous weather,” says Senese. “Prepare now for the risk of flooding events by making an emergency plan for meeting up with loved ones, storing fresh water in the event of water supply contamination, having fresh batteries on hand in case of power outages, and stockpiling non-perishable food.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control, floodwaters can pose several health risks and cause injuries, infections, chemical hazards, and more.4 Never drive through flooded roadways, and avoid contact with floodwaters when possible as it may contain downed power lines or electric current from a home or business; human or livestock waste; household, medical, or industrial hazardous waste; debris; or wild animals such as rodents and snakes. If the water has entered a structure through the flooding of a creek, stream or river, or if it has filtered through insulation during its intrusion, it is also to be considered black water and could be hazardous to your health.

“If your home or business is affected by a flood, remember, quick action is critical to minimizing damage and long-term health risks,” Senese says. “Add SERVPRO of The Windsors to your contact list in your phone. We’re here to help.”

SERVPRO specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup, and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or AntonioS@SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on SERVPRO, please visit www.SERVPRO.com.


1 www.fema.gov/news-release/2004/08/16/flooding-americas-1-natural-hazard

2 www.floodsmart.gov/flood-map-zone/find-yours

3www.nssl.noaa.gov › education › svrwx101 › thunderstorms


SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team mobilizes from across the country, as needed, to support large storm events. SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team has responded to large loss and storm events across the country, including: 2018 California Wildfires, 2018 Hurricane Michael, 2018 Hurricane Florence, 2017 Hurricane Irma, 2017 Hurricane Harvey, 2016 East Tennessee Wildfires, 2016 Hurricane Matthew,

2016 Louisiana Flooding, 2016 Houston Flooding, 2015 Siberian Express, 2014 Mid-Atlantic Flooding,

2014 Polar Vortex, 2013 Colorado Floods, 2013 Alberta, Canada Floods, 2012 Hurricane Sandy, 2012 Hurricane Isaac, 2011 Hurricane Irene, and Tropical Storm Lee.

Second Annual First Responder Bowl Champions!

1/6/2020 (Permalink)

Photo reads "Hilltopper Football 2019 First Responder Bowl Champions" photo of team members in the background Western Kentucky Hilltoppers win the second annual SERVPRO First Responder Bowl!

Did you tune in? If not, you missed a good game! If you did, we hope you enjoyed it, we sure did! In addition to the thousands who tuned in, over thirteen thousand people attended the game!

It was a good turn out to see the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers and Western Michigan Broncos face off for the first time in more than seventy years!

We will leave it to the well-versed sports broadcasters to break down the details but even a novice football fan would recognize it was an interesting game, with several irregular things happening! If you missed the game live be sure to check it out online!

We don’t want to spoil it on you, but we do want to say congratulations to the winners!

With a final game score of 23 to 20 the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers Win the second annual SERVPRO First Responders Bowl! Congratulations to both teams for their efforts and to our champions the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers for the victory!

We hope you all enjoyed the game! Stay tuned next year for the third annual First Responder Bowl!

SERVPRO's Second Annual First Responder Bowl

12/27/2019 (Permalink)

White Background with Orange SERVPRO logo reads "First Responder Bowl" In black with Blue and Red underline Join SERVPRO in special recognition of Brent Manley & First Responders countrywide

SERVPRO’s First Responder Bowl is an annual college football game that SERVPRO hosts to honor the sacrifices and support the men and women who keep our communities safe by playing our first line of defense every day give. This year's First Responder Bowl is only days away! Kick-off goes down on December 30th, at 12 pm.

The crowds will gather at The Gerald J. Ford Stadium on the Southern Methodist Campus at University Park in Dallas, Texas. Join SERVPRO of The Windsors in enjoying America's favorite past time! This year, for the first time ever, we will see the Kentucky Wild Cats go head to head against the Western Michigan Broncos!

During the game, this year we will celebrate firefighter Brent Manley. Brent is the First Responder who will receive special recognition this year. We will celebrate Brent for his selflessness, bravery, and service during a presentation on the field.  Brent helped save multiple lives from rough waters during a beach trip.  Sadly, there were 7 lives lost during the rough tides, the number would have been greater without Brent.

SERVPRO has provided Brent Manley with airfare, accommodations, and tickets to attend the game so we can celebrate his heroic actions. Be sure to tune in to applaud Brent with us. 

If you are living or visiting in Texas or will be visiting tickets can be purchased at https://www.firstresponderbowl.com/first-responders-1If you are unable to attend, but want to offer your support and gratitude to our everyday heroes all across the USA you can purchase a “Sponsor a Responder” ticket for only $15.00 at the same website provided above!

Emergency Water Damage Tips

12/23/2019 (Permalink)

Silver sink plumbing leaking water on grey background with SERVPRO of The Windsors Photo Turn off the water source as soon as possible!

Having any loss is devastating and responding when you’re in a state of panic is not always easy. When you have a water loss there are some steps you can take to prevent further and secondary damage. Here are some emergency water damage tips that the experts here at SERVPRO of The Windsors have gathered that can help you take action immediately after a water loss while you wait for our emergency response team to arrive:

  • Shut off the water source if possible.
  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks under furniture legs.
  • Hang furs and leather goods separately at room temperature.
  • Remove Oriental or other colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Do not use a regular vacuum to remove water.
  • Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet and keep out of areas where ceilings are sagging from retained water.
  • Do not leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpeting.
  • Most importantly, call SERVPRO of The Windsors at 860-627-0763.

Pet Holiday Safety Tips

12/13/2019 (Permalink)

Golden retriever lying on floor in front of Christmas tree tangled up in a string of colorful lights Follow these tips and keep your fur babies safe this season!

Our pets are our very best friends and to some, we even refer to them as our fur babies! Just as our own children we would do any and everything to keep them safe. When you are expecting a child you "childproof" your home. You go out and purchase outlet covers, place sharp objects in higher places, put safety knobs on ovens and doors, use special knick-knacks to keep your cabinets from opening. When it comes to childproofing the options are endless! So, this season we want to discuss how to keep our fur babies safe. Here are a few tips to consider when purchasing and setting up your Christmas tree & décor.

  • 1. Plastic Ornaments are safer than Glass ornaments. Not only can they be choking hazards, but if broken, shards of glass can injure mouths, paws, and other body parts!
  • 2. Don’t add chemicals to keep the tree hydrated
  • 4. Stabilize tree with pet activity in mind
  • 5. Stay away from tinsel- If you just can’t resist the sparkle of tinsel be sure to hang it as high out of your pets reach as possible!
  • 6. If you choose to buy a live tree- Keep the area around the tree free of pine needles, if ingested they can potentially puncture your fur babies’ intestines or cause an upset stomach
  • 7. Holly and mistletoe are poisonous to dogs & cats
  • 8. Burning candles smell great but should be placed on high shelves or mantels. You can also try an alternative like a wax warmer.

In The News Part 15! The SERVPRO First Responder Bowl Kicks Off December 30

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

stack of news papers with SERVPRO Logo headline reads News New Press Release Annual college bowl game honors the everyday heroes in hometowns across the country

East Windsor, Connecticut (Grassroots Newswire) December 10th, 2019 -- SERVPRO is proud to present the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl, scheduled to kick-off on December 30, 2019, at 12:30 ET at the Gerald J. Ford Stadium, located on the campus of Southern Methodist University (SMU) in University Park, Texas. This is the second annual SERVPRO First Responder Bowl, and it honors the sacrifice and service of those who stand as the first line of defense in local communities – the brave men and women who respond when the unexpected or the unthinkable happens, says Antonio Senese of SERVPRO of The Windsors. This year’s game, televised by ESPN, will feature     Kentucky Wild Cats and Western Michigan Broncos.

This year, SERVPRO asked their franchisees nationwide to submit the name of a local first responder to be considered for special recognition at this year’s game. SERVPRO has selected one first responder from this group of nominees to be honored with an award during a presentation on the field at the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl. In addition to the award presentation, SERVPRO will provide the selected first responder with complimentary airfare, accommodations, and tickets for the game.

Even if you can’t attend the game, you can still participate. East Windsor area residents who wish to honor the dedication of these hometown heroes across the country may purchase a “Sponsor a Responder” ticket for $15 at https://www.firstresponderbowl.com/first-responders-1 to help send a first responder to the game for free. According to Senese, SERVPRO’s goal is to distribute more than 10,000 complimentary SERVPRO First Responder Bowl tickets to first responders and their families nationwide. Everyone who chooses to “Sponsor a Responder” will be recognized on the stadium’s video board during the game.

First responders—including police officers, firefighters, EMS workers, correctional officers, search and rescue teams, dispatchers, security guards, federal agents, border patrol agents, and military personnel— may register to receive complimentary tickets at https://reservations.aresttravel.com/attraction/single/7045/1425.

“Every day, across the nation, ordinary people making an extraordinary commitment to their friends and neighbors to put themselves in harm’s way when the unexpected happens,” said Rick Isaacson, CEO of SERVPRO Industries, LLC. “The SERVPRO First Responder Bowl is one way we celebrate these dedicated first responders and their families as the hometown heroes they are.”

SERVPRO specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup, and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened.” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at (860)627-0763 or AntonioS@SERVPROTheWindsors.com For more information about SERVPRO, please visit https://www.SERVPRO.com.


Founded in 1967, the SERVPRO franchise system is a leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services and mold mitigation and remediation. SERVPRO’s professional services network of more than 1,700 individually owned and operated franchises responds to property damage emergencies ranging from small individual disasters to multi-million dollar large-loss events. Providing coverage in the United States and Canada, the SERVPRO system has established relationships with major insurance companies and commercial clients, as well as individual homeowners.

Storm Abel Has Arrived!

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

Green background that reads "Storm Alert" with the SERVPRO of The Windsors Logo above it SERVPRO of The Windsors is here 24/7

Well, here it is! The first snowfall of 2019 and the first day of winter has not yet arrived! Abel arrived Sunday afternoon dumping as much as 7 inches of snow in some parts of the state!  As he progresses through today there will be a mixture of freezing rain fluctuating with more snow. Expected snowfall ranges from 2-4 inches all the way up to 12 inches in the northwest part of the state!

We know these winter storms can sometimes cause property damage.  Stay ahead of property damage in through the cold winter by maintaining your heat, keeping pipes in good functioning order, remove snow safely from your roof to avoid ice dams or large amounts of snow sitting on your roof for extended periods of time as all of these can cause water damage. A few other tips to ensure winter safety-please take extra caution during your commute, check your oil levels, and make sure there is enough fuel in your vehicles.

SERVPRO of The Windsors is here to help you 24/7 with any of your property damage needs this season.

SERVPRO of The Windsors Goes Above and Beyond

11/26/2019 (Permalink)

Picture of a shed that caught fire beside a picture of the backyard once shed was removed Before and After of Shed Fire!

As seen in the before photo this shed is the aftermath of a fire, the cause of which remains unknown. Our office received the call for this loss and responded immediately. The customer requested that we remove and discard of the shed and the lawn equipment it contained. Upon completion of removing the shed, one of our team members noticed that the fence too had been affected by the fire. He also noticed that our customer was a dog owner and the fence which was currently being patched up with plywood would not suffice in safely keeping our customers' furry friends in his yard so without being asked Jose went ahead and repaired our customers shed. Here at SERVPRO of The Windsors, we put our customers and their needs first and this very demonstration proved just that to be oh so true!

T.U.R.K.E.Y Safety Tips!

11/25/2019 (Permalink)

Cooked Turkey with different cooking utensils, seasonings, and veggies scattered around it reads"lets talk turkey safety" Talk Turkey Safety With SERVPRO of The Windsors!

Thanksgiving … a day of gratitude, family, and feasting…what’s not to enjoy! We have come up with a few tips to help keep you and your family safe while preparing your meal! Avoid holiday upset by practicing fire safety this holiday season!

Thaw your turkey safely by placing it in a leak-proof plastic bag in a sink full of cold water (replacing the water every 30 minutes)

Use different cutting boards and utensils for meats and vegetables to avoid the risk of cross-contamination.

Remember your oven should never be below 325?? F when cooking a turkey, to ensure your turkey cooks evenly and any harmful bacteria have been destroyed.

Keep a fire extinguisher handy and all smoke detectors functional.

Ensure someone remains in the kitchen when food is actively cooking.

Youngsters and pets should be kept at least 3 feet away from all hot surfaces!

Most importantly have fun & cherish these moments as a family together. Be grateful & enjoy your feast!


11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Orange SERVPRO Logo with the words Customer Satisfaction in white letters, & 5 Gold stars underneath Our 1-4-8 Response Guideline is How SERVPRO of The Windsors Insures Customer Satisfaction!

SERVPRO of The Windsors responds to emergencies daily.  To ensure our customers are receiving prompt services we have a set of criteria over 1700 franchises follow to ensure best practices.

When you work with SERVPRO of The Windsors, you can take comfort knowing we will complete our initial inspection an assessment and emergency response all within a few hours!

Here’s our response breakdown!

Within 1 hour our crew is going to make the first contact.

Within 4 hours our crew will have work underway to mitigate the emergency and prevent secondary damage.

Within 8 hours, our crew is going to communicate with your insurance professional.

After our initial services are complete, we will continue to work closely with property owners to provide a thorough mitigation service! Once mitigation services are complete SERVPRO of The Windsors can offer you for rebuild services.

SERVPRO Remediates Realty Office

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

Office, desk, printers, drying equipment, printer, tan walls, tan floor, dehumidifier on the desk SERVPRO of The Windsors is proud to service our commercial customers.

A local realtor’s office recently suffered from water damage. The source of the damage was a broken pipe. The pipe was overhead and literally rained on to the company’s main office.  Once the pipe broke the staff promptly shut off the water. Though the customer acted quickly there was a substantial amount of water released. 

Our team responded immediately, working quickly to extract the water. After the extraction, our team sanitized, cleaned, and set up drying equipment. The prompt response time made it possible to salvage the carpet.   After a few short days with the equipment in place the carpet and other building materials reached the drying goals.  Our team removed the equipment and got out of the hairs of this business so they can get back to focusing on their customers.

SERVPRO Standing By!

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

picture of green servpro tractor trailer, drying equipment, crwe memebers in servpro uniform all in a driveway with SERVPRO's Disaster Recovery Teams are waiting to answer your call!

Did you know SERVPRO employs their own in-house meteorologists? That’s right our corporate office has in-house meteorologists who track and monitor weather events.  This type of attentiveness allows SERVPRO teams nationally and locally to prepare. After all, preparation is half the battle.

When we learn of potentially catastrophic weather events we prepare to respond.  SERVPRO readies local franchises and large disaster recovery teams. The DRT’s are strategically placed nationwide waiting to answer the call. The large loss and disaster recovery team take our training and expertise and kick it up two notches!  

The combination of a large loss team and a local franchise is advantageous to property owners; they receive the attention and knowledge from people in our community who understand the community, local property and insurance laws. The large loss teams provide supplementary resources, knowledge, and expertise to remediate properties on a large capacity and with greater speed. 

The next time a storm or is a potential weather event is coming know that SERVPRO is aware, and ready for whatever happens!

In 2019 SERVPRO dispatched teams to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, Florida after Hurricane Dorian and even California after the devastating wildfires. In previous years the Disaster Recovery Team (DRT) has visited the entire counter from the polar vortex in 2014, to Sandy in 2012, and as far back as Katrina in 2005. SERVPRO has a long history of responding to disasters and earned the recognition as a leading emergency responders.

We are proud to be a part of a team that offers comfort in bad times.  So, when disaster strikes whether it be wind, rain, snow, tornado, or hurricane SERVPRO is there when you need us. here when you need us.  

We're Here, Anytime and All Times.

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

servpro logo and script -always ready to help against a back drop of green air movers SERVPRO of The Windsors is always ready to help!

It's currently 4:30pm on Friyay and we just received a commercial loss. After a long, cold, productive day, our team is more than ready to start their weekend, but they will hold off. Our crew is readying their truck, tools, and equipment.  It would have been easy to ignore the call but that is not who we are, what we do, and what our community expects of us.  So when you call know we answer! We are here to help at 2pm or 8pm, Tuesday or Saturday, Christmas, or Hanukkah.  Property damage does not wait until business hours, so are business hours are 24/7/365.  We hope you find comfort knowing when you reach out to SERVPRO of The Windsors you are going to reach a live local emergency responder anytime, all times, and every time

The Cold Weather is Upon Us!

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Frozen garden hose pipe with with icicles hanging from it & Orange SERVPRO of The Windsors Logo 'Tis the Season for frozen pipes!

Did you know more water damages are caused by broken pipes, plumbing, or appliance malfunctions, than from weather-related issues? A frozen water line can cause your pipes to burst and cause extreme damage to your home. Be sure to get ahead of the winter season by prepping your home. Here are some tips and tricks to preventing your pipes from freezing and/or bursting.

  • 1. Keep your home at a reasonably heated temperature. 
  •  2. Place fans around your home to help circulate warm air into the cooler areas in the home.
  •  3. On colder days consider keeping doors on and cabinetry or closets that contain exposed pipes open so that the warm air can reach them.
  •   4. Be sure to disconnect your garden hose, I don’t think you’ll be needing it any time soon.
  •  5. In places where water flow is reduced turn the faucet on & apply heat to the vulnerable pipes using a hairdryer. As the pipe heats up any ice will melt and in turn, the water flow will increase.

Avoid freezing pipes…. Lastly, if this does happen to you do not wait! Call SERVPRO of The Windsors to come out and take care of your remediation needs!

In the News Part 14! 'Tis the Season-for Flu!

11/5/2019 (Permalink)

White folded up pile of news papers, orange SERVPRO logo is on newspaper & newspaper reads news, new press release. Local SERVPRO cleaning specialist shares commonsense precautions to help control the spread of the flu virus

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) November 5, 2019— Flu season is here, and it’s often marked by the offers of free flu shots in neighborhood pharmacies and stores across the country. The cleaning pros at SERVPRO of The Windsors—experts in cleaning and sanitizing building materials, surfaces, and contents after a fire, water, or natural disasters—remind East Windsors home and business owners how important it is to step-up routine cleaning efforts during this time of year. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the flu virus can remain viable on surfaces for up to 48 hours. Cleaning surfaces and objects that are frequently touched minimizes the likelihood of contacting the flu virus when you touch an infected surface.

According to the CDC, nearly 15% of the U.S. population suffered from the flu in 2018. More than 950,000 people were hospitalized and almost 80,000 people died from flu complications, making 2018 the most severe flu season since 2009.

“As an emergency response company, we understand the hidden danger of contaminated surfaces in a workplace or home,” said Antonio Senese, owner of SERVPRO of The Windsors. “This time of year, the flu virus can be a ‘hidden danger’ at home, at work, and in the community. It is a serious illness, and we want our Connecticut friends and neighbors to take it seriously.”

The CDC recommends the following to help protect yourself or your loved ones from contracting the flu.

  1. Get vaccinated. The CDC recommends yearly flu vaccination as the first and most important protection against this serious virus.
  2. Thoroughly wash your hands (20 seconds or more with soap and water) or sanitize them frequently throughout the day, even if you are not infected, to help protect yourself and others.
  3. Beware of frequently touched surfaces, like handrails and doorknobs. Keep them clean at home using a bleach and water solution and clean your hands as soon as possible if you must touch them in public.

If you or a family member comes down with the flu despite these precautions, keep in mind the flu spreads primarily through droplets from a sick person when they cough, sneeze or talk. With that in mind, the CDC offers the following guidelines to help control the spread of the disease:

  1. Stay home and keep your distance. Infected droplets from a sick person’s nose or mouth can travel up to six feet and land in the noses and mouths of people nearby, exposing them to the illness.
  2. Wait until you are fever-free – without medications – for at least 24 hours before returning to school, work, or normal activities.
  3. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, your sleeve, or your elbow when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue and clean your hands with soap or a sanitizer with 60 percent alcohol.

There is no such thing as a foolproof flu protection plan, says Senese, but frequent hand-washing and conscientious cleaning practices at home, work, and in the community are precautions everyone can practice to help keep them and their loved ones healthy.

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in disaster restoration, residential, and commercial deep cleaning, and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened.” For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at (860)-627-0763 or ASenese@SERVPROthewindsors.com 

Weatherful 24!

11/1/2019 (Permalink)

Picture of front of house and lawn onlawn is lanscape with large tree broken and fallen onto the house, servpro logo, script Last night's storm caused fallen trees throughout the state, SERVPRO of The Windsors can help you rebuild after a storm.

We’ve had such a weather-ful 24 hours!  First, a rained out Halloween, that was followed by a super windy night. Reports are clocking in wind speeds over 60 miles per hour! That’s strong winds, and they are packing a punch! As a result of last night’s storm there are thousands of people without power. The ride into work today was upset by downed trees and wires, something we are seeing a lot of that this year.  Did you know tree damage results in more than a billion dollars in property damage each year?   

We had our eye on the weather so we ‘ve readied our team. If you’ve suffered property damage last night our team is standing by. Give us a call 860-627-0763, we’re here to help.

A Rainy Halloween

10/31/2019 (Permalink)

black background with three neon green pumpkins with carved out faces, SERVPRO logo-orange with white script Happy Halloween from SERVPRO of The Windsors!

Happy Halloween!  It’s a rainy Halloween this year.  Sadly, many towns are postponing trick or treating. It is disappointing news, don’t shoot the messenger! We just want to take a moment to remind our Connecticut and Massachusetts customers that even though it is raining, even though it is a holiday, and even though it’s a pleasantly warm day, we are around if you need us! 

We are experiencing heavy rains today, should that cause you any headaches in the form of water damage, give us a call! Groundwater, roof leaks, water intrusions through unidentified sources; whatever the situation, we can help. 

If you do not need us today, we are here tomorrow too. We hope everyone has a safe and spooktacular Halloween! We are looking forward to some chocolate goodies ourselves!

Fire Safety & Readiness Quiz

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

Question mark that is made out of flames on a white background with SERVPRO of The Windsors Logo stamped Let SERVPRO of The Windsors be your go to remediation company, we make things "Like it never even happened".

Are you prepared for a fire? Do you have a basic understanding of how to avoid house fires and what to do in the case you or your loved ones befall such a tragedy? Ask yourself these few questions to see if you are prepared and get a better understanding of what you need to do to prepare yourselves better. (You can find the correct answers at the end…. Don’t Cheat!)

1. What is one of the leading causes of house fires?

  • A. Children
  • B. Arson
  • C. Smoking

2. About how many people die per year from house fires in the US?

  • A. 2,510
  • B. 100,000
  • C. 530

3. Put the steps in the correct order for how to properly put out a fire with a fire extinguisher

  • A. Leave immediately if you’re unable to extinguish the fire
  • B. Sweep hose from side to side
  • C. Squeeze the lever
  • D. Pull the pin
  • E. Replace or recharge your fire extinguisher as soon as possible
  • F. Back away and repeat if the flames flare-up
  • G. Aim the hose at the base of the fire

4. Approximately how much does the US spend on fire damage annually?

  • A. 1 Billion
  • B. $800,000
  • C. $6.7 million

5. What do you do in the event that an article of clothing on your person catches fire?

  • A. Stop, Drop, & Roll
  • B. Find water & try to put yourself out
  • C. Do the hokey pokey

6. What do you do after a fire has occurred and the dust has settled?

  • A. Take a nap
  • B. Call SERVPRO of The Windsors to assist with cleaning & repairs
  • C. Clean up yourself

As always, we hope you have found this information helpful and inspiration to prepare yourself if you’re interested in learning more about fires how they are started and how to be prepared check out the rest of our series on fire safety and readiness. Remember having an emergency plan is one of the best ways to keep yourself and your loved ones safe!

Answer Key:

  1. C
  2. A
  3. D, G, C, B, F, A, E
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B

SERVPRO of The Windsors Tackles Hemp Factory

10/28/2019 (Permalink)

commercial building, concrete floors, beams, filled with hemp, hemp on floor, hemp hanging from ceiling, netting Hemp has a potent odor, SERVPRO of The Windsors assists with deodorization.

We love new challenges and jump at opportunities to venture into unchartered waters, so when we received a call for deodorization of a hemp factory we thought, that’s a first! We then promptly got to work. We coordinated our team, put on our thinking caps, and crafted a plan of attack!

The issue our customer was facing was the hemp odor being so strong it permeated other buildings in the area, which in turn was leaving staff with headaches and general feelings of un-wellness.

There were a few different options we considered each with its own benefits, we proposed a few different options to our client. We had to be honest, there were no guarantees, there would be a level of trial and error.

Ultimately, we decided to set up containment and set up air filtration equipment on a large scale.  The containment around the large garage doors limited the outflow of the malodor.  Then we set up numerous commercial size air scrubbers. Air scrubbers pull air from the environment and passing it through a combination of filters removes the contaminants.  We are changing the filters out as needed and keeping an eye on the space at the time being.

We are pleased to inform you our methods are effective! Thanks to our industry knowledge we were able to use our past experiences to tacks a new issue. SERVPRO of The Windsors are figure-it-outters!

Common Causes of House Fires, Part III

10/27/2019 (Permalink)

gray carpet, white baseboard, gray walls, extension cord, overloaded, electtical outlet overloaded with too many plugs in Keep safe by avoiding misuse of extension cords and outlets!

We’re back with Common Causes of House Fires, Part III! Today we are talking about fires caused by misuse of electrical cords and outlets.  The U.S. Fire Administration says that Americans experience 25,000 electrical fires a year with Two-thirds of all electrical fires begin in plugs or cords. Sadly, many of those fires happening during the holiday season.  Follow these best practices to keep you, your family, and your home safe.

 Best Practices:

  • Inspect electrical cords and outlets at least once a year
    • Tip: Warning signs include: flickering lights, buzzing sounds, odor
  • Replace any frayed or damage cords, even if damage appears minimal
  • Limit number of appliances to 2 per cords and outlets
  • Do not “piggyback” cords
  • Do not place extension cords under rugs
  • Do not remove the third prong to fit into a two-prong outlet
  • Avoid using extension cords for space heaters and air conditioners

We hope that you have found this information helpful.   Please take extreme care when you are smoking and using candles. Remember to stay attentive, use caution, and follow these safety tips. 

While we all hope for the best and cannot imagine a fire happening the reality is it happens more often that we want to recognize.  Hope for the best, plan for the worst.  So be sure to 1. Have plenty of smoke alarms in your home and 2. have an emergency escape plan. 

If the unthinkable happens it is important to react safely and quickly. Here’s what to do:

  • Get out! If possible close the door behind you when you leave to help contain the fire.
  • Call 9-1-1, wait for emergency responders, do not attempt to put the fire out by yourself.
  • Call your homeowner's insurance company to begin the claim process.
  • Call SERVPRO of The Windsors for an emergency response, we’ll walk you through the rest.

SERVPRO Partners with GreenSky to Offer Payment Options

10/27/2019 (Permalink)

white background, servpro logo, green sky logs, script servpro greensky SERVPRO is proud to partner with GreenSky!

There is no convenient time for property damage or the unexpected expense stemming from it. The cost of remediation surprises most people.  While we predominantly work with insurance carriers there are times where insurance coverage is denied or insufficient.  When our customers face high deductibles, non-covered repairs, or unexpected costs, SERVPRO of The Windsors works with GreenSky to help make recovery affordable.

The GreenSky® Loan Program offers payment options for water and fire damage restoration, mold remediation, and storm damage restoration. Your home cannot wait and with he SERVPRO/GreenSky payment options it doesn’t have.  When property damage is not immediately addressed secondary damage is guaranteed with additional expense. If you have suffered property damage and would like to discuss remediation and pricing options call us today.

SERVPRO of The Windsors Offers Emergency Response Following Storms!

10/24/2019 (Permalink)

crop land, grey skies, servpro logo, script-do's and dont's minimize storm damage, list of do's and dont's Heed these tips to minimize storm damage!

The remarkable author Mark Twain cleverly said, “If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.”  It’s a fair statement, wouldn’t you agree? As a lifetime New Englander, I can attest the weather can certainly be unpredictable and fluctuate frequently here in New England.

That is why at SERVPRO of The Windsors we stay ready. We are ready for whatever happens! Our crews are prepared to respond to your claim 24/7/365. 

Whether it is boarding and tarping, tree removal, water damage we are ready to respond. We are ready in a moment’s notice to respond to your property damage!

If you experience property damage following a storm or weather event, take comfort knowing we are here to help.  Call us anytime, we want to hear from you!

Fire Damage Dictionary!

10/24/2019 (Permalink)

servpro logo in front of flames, all orange and black SERVPRO of The Windsors understands fire damage!

SERVPRO of The Windsors has extensive experience with fire damage, but for those who don't, we have created this Fire Damage Dictionary to offer a better understanding to the most common terms associated with fire damage. 

Deodorization – The process of neutralizing malodors

Deodorizers – Masking agents that overpower malodors with a more pleasant odor.

Filtration equipment-Equipment designed to filter odor particles from the air.

Mitigation services –. Mitigate means to “stop the damage”. SERVPRO is a mitigation company offering mitigation services for fire restoration. Common mitigation services include board ups cleaning and treating property and belongings, deodorization, and rebuild services.

Ozone – An electronically powered device called an ozone generator and is used for odor control. Ozone breaks down or oxidizes natural rubber and elastic.

Smoke – Smoke is the result of combustion. Smoke contains solids, liquids, and gases.

Soot – Soot is the solid residues as a result of combustion. Soot is the part of the material that did not burn, called the product of incomplete combustion.  

Thermal fogging –The use of heat to produce a dry deodorant fog using a piece of equipment called a thermal fogger.

ULV Fogger – An electronically powered device with a nozzle attached to a hose used to apply solutions on a microscopic size.

Wet Cleaning – A cleaning technique using a circular, overlapping motion.

South Windsor Dairy Queen Calls In SERVPRO of The Windsors After Rag Fire

10/22/2019 (Permalink)

Building exterior of dairy queen restaurnat, building, driveway, servpro logo, marketing signage SERVPRO of The Windsors is the remediation professionals preferred by Dairy Queen!

When Dairy Queen in South Windsor experienced a rag fire, they wisely called SERVPRO of The Windsor’s to help!

The fire happened on a Saturday, the business’s busiest day of the week!  We understood the business had to minimize their downtime as much as possible, so we crafted our game plan to accommodate our Very Important Customer.

First, our crew got to work immediately, we started work the same day! We increased our crew size to turn the job around even quicker than usual and we worked extended hours throughout the evenings. Our team worked vigorously to clean every inch of the Dairy Queen restaurant from the grills to the windows. Not even the temptation of Dairy Queen’s famous ice cream could distract our team! 

Through these efforts the disruption/interruption was minimal. Within less than a weeks’ time, it was “Like it never even happened!” The business and their employees were excited to get back to work!

When you need help on your commercial project SERVPRO of The Windsors' is here for you! We understand the importance of keeping your business doors open and we will do everything we can to help! If you would like to discuss your commercial project, please call us today 860-627-0763!

The Guys in Green Rescue the Boys in Blue

10/22/2019 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO of The Windsors truck parked in front of brick building that reads East Windsor Police Department SERVPRO of The Windsors Greenmobile parked in front of the East Windsor Police Department

When someone mentions a hero the first thing that comes to the mind of most is someone who swoops in to save the day! Everyone has their own definition of a hero. To some a hero is someone they admire for their noble qualities, outstanding achievements, and their courage. A hero can be someone you look up to and aspire to be like, heroes can even possess superhuman qualities. In all communities, the police departments are an example of a group of heroes we rely on.  They keep us safe and respond to our emergencies, but who helps them in an emergency?

Well when the East Windsor Police Department was in distress due to a water loss caused by a broken pipe, they called yours truly to save the day! That’s right, the guys in green responded to a loss for the boys in blue. Following the EWPD pipe break, the department needed water remediation. Our crew responded quickly by performing water extraction, removing wet materials,  & placing drying equipment. Only a couple of short days later the EWPD looked “Like it never even happened.” Thanks to the guys in green! SERVPRO of The Windsors is always here to help!

If you find yourself in a similar situation you can call us at 860-627-0763!

Bomb Cyclone Blows Through Connecticut

10/19/2019 (Permalink)

meteorologist image of the northeast map in gray with blue and green spots indicating weather conditions Bomb Cyclone Brings Wild Weather to CT!

Bomb Cyclone certainly sounds formidable and Wednesday night’s storm and certainly was powerful! There was an abundance of power outages and fallen trees! Throughout the state over 40,000 power outages were reported, and more than half a million people affected throughout New England. There were numerous school and business closures! (not ours!) Some roads seen temporary stop signs set up in place of traffic lights while other roads were blocked off entirely. Simply put, things were a mess! There were teams working to remove the trees and to restore power. Our office also responded to several emergencies.

First were the jobs requiring tree removal. Tree removal companies saw their schedules filling up rapidly but thanks to our relationships we were able to coordinate immediate tree removal for multiple property owners. Then, several of our customers suffered from roof damage from fallen trees which required roof tarping, we were happy to help. Lastly, were the jobs involving water.  We saw a combination of groundwater and water intrusion caused by the fallen trees. We had a busy couple of days.

Power has been restored, roads re-opened, trees removed, roofs tarped, and water extracted.  We are proud to be part of the group of people who respond after bad times.

We hope you don’t, but if you need us, we are here to help.

Emergency Board-up and Tarping

10/19/2019 (Permalink)

house with doors and windows boarded up, landscape, servpro logo, script that reads, "emergency board-up... SERVPRO of The Windsor's offers emergency board-up services!

Did you know we do emergency board ups and roof tarping?

After a storm, you may need assistance barding up your home. We can help.  From a small window to an entire roof we have done it all.  Our warehouse is prepped with the materials and tools to board-up your property at a moment’s notice at any time. We understand your home is your castle and we want to help you protect it.  If you experience the need for a board-up, we are just a call away. Our crew will secure the property ensuring no debris, weather conditions, or animals further adversely affect the house.   We pride ourselves in our ability to handle any and all situations that arise. If you have any needs or questions please don’t hesitate to call us! 860-627-0763

Commercial Projects

10/19/2019 (Permalink)

servpro van in front of large metal commercial building, trees, servpro logo, script commercial services SERVPRO of The Windsors' handles commercial projects with ease!

We know there is never a convenient time for fire or water damage to strike your Connecticut commercial property. We also understand every hour that is spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when your business has the need for professional cleaning services or emergency restoration services we have the tools, knowledge, and personnel with the training and expertise to respond. SERVPRO of The Windsors’ highly trained technicians will work efficiently to return your property back to business. To learn more about the commercial services we can offer you please click the link here: https://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com/commercial-restoration-cleaning.  To see some of our past commercial work you can visit here: https://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com/before-after-photos/commercial.

Methods and Types of Deodorization

10/18/2019 (Permalink)

white background, gray smoke like image around the entire picture, servpro logo and script sayiing odors with a question mark If you need to combat an odor, we can help!

After a fire your home will likely have an intense odor.  How do we combat that odor you ask? Well, our method varies from project to project.  In different situations, we find different methods more effective.  For best results on heavy smoke odors, a combination of techniques should be used. Continue reading to learn about the different methods and types of deodorization.

The process to follow to deodorize most situations is:

  1. Remove the source

The very first thing we need to do to begin fire remediation is to remove the source.  If you had a stove fire for example, we need to move the stove out of the property. We can store the source if needed, our crew will also take pictures and documentation to assist with your claim process.

  1. Clean the residues

After a fire, smoke and soot particles and odors are going to be abundant and will contribute to the malodor. A thorough cleaning of all surfaces will be necessary. Our technicians are equipped with the training and products to clean all your items with the unique method and product best suited to clean the material.

  1. Neutralize the odor

After a fire, odors are going to be intense and will need some method of odor neutralization.  Most deodorizers we use for fire remediation are a combination of masking and pairing agents. Masking agents are designed to overwhelm a malodor.  Pairing agents are designed to bond with odor particles and create odorless particles. Absorption agents are designed to absorb the odor particle. Air scrubbers in conjunction with HEPA filters, are designed to filter odor particles from the air.

We may also do some form of fogging. Fogging is another method used to neutralize malodors. There are 3 different types of fogging.  Ozone, thermal fogging, and ULV fogging. Ozone is an oxidizing agent and breaks down or oxidizes natural rubber and elastic. Thermal fogging uses heat to produce a dry deodorant fog called a thermal fogger. ULV fogging uses an electronically powered device that usually has a nozzle attached to a flexible hose and is used to apply solutions down to a microscopic level.

  1. Seal the surface

Sealing is used to seal odor molecules which prevents them from going air is used to seal in odor molecules to prevent them from becoming airborne. A sealant is used on walls and ducts.

If you’ve experienced a fire or need to combat malodors, we are just a phone call away. Call us for your deodorization needs today at 860-627-0763! 

Common Causes of Home Fires, Part I

10/17/2019 (Permalink)

2 pictures merged into one, on the right there shows a kitchen with stovefire and countertops, left a space heater on fire Take caution to avoid fires being ignited by cooking and space heaters!

Fires are devastating! The good news is many fires are avoidable and preventable. Two of the most common causes of home fires are cooking errors and portable heaters. Continue reading to learn how these fires are ignited and some tips on how to avoid them.

Cooking Equipment:

Cooking fires are most often caused by unattended cooking.  Never leave food cooking unattended, stay in your kitchen when frying, grilling, or boiling food. Even if you will be “just a minute” the risk is too great! Never leave food cooking unattended! Two-thirds of cooking fires start are ignited by food and/or cooking materials.

Best Practices:

  • Stay present while cooking.
  • Ask someone to watch the equipment while you leave the room.
  • Don’t cook if you are tired or intoxicated.
  • Turn it off and double-check it!
  • Annual inspections on your appliances to ensure they are functioning properly.
  • Keep your cooking equipment and appliances clean.

Portable/Space Heaters:

Portable space heaters most commonly catch fire when they come into contact with other household items, commonly things like curtains, blankets, and carpet. Space heaters can also overheat easily & catch fire. 

Best Practices:

  • Maintain 3 ½ ft between your portable heater and flammable objects!
  • Unplug, when you are leaving the room or home, or the heaters are not in use
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets!
  • Place flatly
  • Inspect heaters every few months to ensure they are in good working condition ie: no broken plugs or damaged wires
  • Plug heaters directly into an outlet, avoid extension cords

We hope that you have found this information helpful.   Please take extreme care when you are cooking and using space heaters.  Remember to stay attentive, use caution, and follow these safety tips. 

While we all hope for the best and cannot imagine a fire happening the reality is it happens more often than we want to recognize.  Hope for the best, plan for the worst.  So be sure to 1. Have plenty of smoke alarms in your home and 2. have an emergency escape plan. 

If the unthinkable happens it is important to react safely and quickly. Here’s what to do:

  • Get out! If possible close the door behind you when you leave to help contain the fire.
  • Call 9-1-1, wait for emergency responders, do not attempt to put the fire out by yourself.
  • Call your homeowner's insurance company to begin the claim process.
  • Call SERVPRO of The Windsors for emergency response, we’ll walk you through the rest.

Common Causes of Home Fires, Part II

10/17/2019 (Permalink)

2 pictures merged on the right a small candle light atop a wooden piece of furniture, on the left cigarette burning on a sofa Take caution to avoid fires caused by smoking and candles!

Welcome back! We’re glad you are here!  We are back with 2 more of the most common cause of house fires! The next two we want to discuss are home fires that are attributed to candles and smoking. Continue reading to learn how these fires are ignited and some tips on how to avoid them.


We love candles! They look and smell pretty!  Behind the beauty though is a great threat. If left unattended, candles can easily cause a room to burst into flames. Make sure you are constantly monitoring your lit candle!

Best Practices:

  • Keep out of reach of children and pets!
  • Place flatly on stable heat resistant surfaces.
  • When lighting a candle long-reach lighter to keep your hair and clothing away from the flame.
  • Keep them away from the flammable materials
  • Always blow them out carefully before leaving a room


Home fires caused by smoking are usually the result of carelessness or improper disposal. When cigarettes or other smoking materials aren’t put out properly the butts can stay lit for hours. If these lit cigarette butts encounter flammable materials results can be fatal.  

Best Practices:

  • Always fully put out your cigarettes.
  • Use an ashtray.
  • Avoid smoking when tired or intoxicated.
  • Avoid smoking in bed.

We hope that you have found this information helpful.   Please take extreme care when you are smoking and using candles. Remember to stay attentive, use caution, and follow these safety tips. 

While we all hope for the best and cannot imagine a fire happening the reality is it happens more often that we want to recognize.  Hope for the best, plan for the worst.  So be sure to 1. Have plenty of smoke alarms in your home and 2. have an emergency escape plan. 

If the unthinkable happens it is important to react safely and quickly. Here’s what to do:

  • Get out! If possible close the door behind you when you leave to help contain the fire.
  • Call 9-1-1, wait for emergency responders, do not attempt to put the fire out by yourself.
  • Call your homeowner's insurance company to begin the claim process.
  • Call SERVPRO of The Windsors for an emergency response, we’ll walk you through the rest.

SERVPRO of The Windsors Responds to Unique Situations!

10/17/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO green van in a driveway one garage door boarded up, debris on the ground. Our crew worked through the evening to make this structure safe for our homeowner!

No two days alike…it’s something we say here all the time.  We see water, fire, and mold daily.  We see so many surprising things! Our unique encounters extend even beyond the trinity of remediation.

This week we have responded to a couple of unique scenes! Last night after everyone left for the day we received a call for an emergency board-up.  That is not so unusual. The reason for it, however, was unexpected.  A homeowner was in her vehicle when it accelerated and rammed into her garage!

Fortunately, outside of a reasonable fright, no one is hurt and our homeowner is in good spirits planning to make this one of those things you look back on and laugh at, but that is down the road, in the immediate future we have to deal with the property damage.

Unfortunately, this will not be an overnight repair so while we evaluate and strategize to determine the master plan, we must first make the structure safe for the time being. 

Ernie, one of our construction project managers took the reins. Working in the evening, our crew set up emergency lighting and got straight to make the emergency temporary repairs.  We installed support beams and boarded up the garage door.

While the temporary repairs will allow the family to safely stay in their home, there is much work to be done. The scope will include packing out the garage, reframing the property, installing new drywall, and re-siding the property.  The work will take a couple of weeks and we will be with our homeowner’s throughout the process.  Keep an eye out to see the project unfold.

And remember, if you need us SERVPRO of The Windsors is ready for whatever happens!

Water Damage Dictionary!

10/14/2019 (Permalink)

servpro logo with green back drops with water droplets SERVPRO understands water damage!

Unless you’ve experienced water damage or work in the industry some of the jargon may be unfamiliar to you. Here is your introduction to water damage a la a water damage dictionary.

Water Damage Dictionary:

Air movers: – Air movers are used to move the air, these machines rotate/shift the air so the dehumidifiers can capture water vapor

Dehumidifier/dehumidification – Dehumidification is the process of removing water vapor from the air, dehumidifiers are the machines that extract the vapor

Drying goals: –The percentage or point a material needs to reach before it is determined to be dry.

Drying time: -The number of days it takes for all materials to reach their goal. Drying is not complete until all affected materials have been returned to their pre-determined drying goals.

Evaporation: – The process of changing water from a liquid to a vapor.

Humidity ratio: – The amount of water vapor that a volume of air contains by weight. Humidity

ratio is directly related to vapor pressure.

Moisture content: – The measurement of the amount of moisture contained in a material,

expressed as a percentage.

Moisture level: – The measurement of the amount of moisture contained in a material on a

relative scale.

Mold – A fungi, can be dangerous, grow as a result of moisture

Monitoring – Water projects should be monitored at least once every other day. Daily readings should

include all applicable air, equipment, and HVAC output readings.

Open drying system: – This method uses outside air to reduce the indoor humidity.

Permeance: – Permeance is the ability of water vapor to pass through a material.

Relative humidity: – Ratio of moisture in the air as a percentage of the total moisture-holding capacity.

Safety issues: – Things that can be potentially dangerous or harmful to our customers and employees.  

Sanitizer – A product designed to significantly reduce, however, not eliminate, microorganisms.

Sterilizer – An antimicrobial agent which is designed to kill all forms of viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Water Classifications!

10/14/2019 (Permalink)

Cover of text book, script Standard and reference guide for professional water damage restoration SERVPRO is an IICRC ceritified remediator!

Psychology has the DSM V, Christians have the Bible, remediators have the IICRC’s S500! The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is a certification and standard-setting organization for the inspection, cleaning, and restoration industries. The S500 is the standard and reference guide for professional water damage restoration. The S500 is our rule book!

The first determination to be made when assessing water damage is the Category and Classification. In this blog, we are going to talk about water classifications. Click here to learn about water categories...https://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com/blog/post/169424/water-damage-restoration/3-different-water-loss-categories

The IICRC defined water classifications as wet an area, room, or structure is. Rules of water category classifications are such:

Class 1- Scenarios with the least amount of water intrusion.  Minimal water damage, high probability of salvageability of wet materials. Porous materials are less than 5% of the combined floor, wall, and ceiling surface area and where low evaporation materials have absorbed minimal moisture.

Common course of action, in-place, drying typically 3 days

Class 2- Represents cases with a significant amount of water intrusion. Porous materials represent 5% -40% of the combined floor, wall, and ceiling surface area in the space and low evaporation materials have absorbed minimal moisture.

Common course of action-removal of unsalvageable materials, drying typically 3-5 days

Class 3- Greatest amount of water intrusion. Porous materials represent over 40% of the combined floor, wall, and ceiling surface areas, low evaporation materials have absorbed significant moisture.

Common course of action-removal of unsalvageable materials, drying typically 4-6 days

 Class 4- Water damage that involves a significant amount of water intrusion and a specialty remediation process, low evaporation materials have significant moisture.

Common course of action- Remediation plan will require specialty drying equipment, extensive demolition, and/or extended drying

Types of Dehumidifiers.

10/14/2019 (Permalink)

Small green and black dehu with servpro logo against black backdrop This LGR dehu is great for its small size and manageability!

Dehumidifiers are the single most important piece of equipment in our arsenal.  However, as with all things, there are different types for different situations…lets dissect….

The 4 most common dehumidifiers are desiccants, refrigerants dehumidifiers, low-grain refrigerant dehumidifiers, and conventional refrigerant dehumidifiers.  

Desiccant dehumidifiers – This kind of dehumidifier creates the lowest humidity ratio, which means that it also creates the lowest vapor pressure.

Refrigerant dehumidifier – This kind of dehumidifier is the most energy-efficient type of dehumidifier. It performs efficiently down to 70°F. It is usually the most efficient dehumidifier to use in warm, wet environments.

LGR -Low-grain refrigerant dehumidifier – This kind of dehumidifier removes water vapor from the air using a process called condensation. LGR dehumidifiers continue to remove a significant amount of water vapor below 40 grains per pound.

Conventional refrigerant dehumidifier – This kind of dehumidifier loses efficiency as the air dries below 55 grains per pound. It removes water vapor from the air using a process called condensation

When considering a dehumidifier for your personal use in your residential property, the best option is a refrigerant dehumidifier.  Consider your home size to further narrow down your selections.  We hope this information has been beneficial, as we are always #heretohelp!

Does Your Connecticut Home Have A Mold Problem?

10/10/2019 (Permalink)

Gray and greeen square with text reading Mold Problem? SERVPRO can help, SERVPRO logo If you have a mold problem SERVPRO of The Windsors can help!!

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today –860-627-0763!

When Storms or Floods Hit Connecticut SERVPRO of The Windsors' is Ready!

10/10/2019 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO van parked on street in residential area, brown house and driveway in background, As a local emergency provider, SERVPRO of The Windsors offers immediate response to your property damage!

Faster Response:

Since we are a locally owned and operated business we have the capability to respond quicker with the necessary resources, which is extremely important. A fast response greatly lessens the damage, limits further damage, and greatly reduces the remediation and restoration costs.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms:

When storms hit Connecticut SERVPRO of The Windsor's can scale our resources to handle everything from a large storm to any size flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of over 1,650 Franchises located across the country and SERVPRO'S elite Disaster Recovery Teams are strategically located throughout the United States ready and waiting to assist local franchises.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today at 860-627-0763.

Restoring Your Connecticut Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

10/10/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo, and script on top of a tall commercail building with lots of windows and balconies, script we fix buildings too SERVPRO's Disaster Recovery Teams assist franchises nationwide!

Flooding and water damage events at CT commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large-scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of The Windsors

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Choosing A Contractor

9/16/2019 (Permalink)

Kitchen, grey walls white back splash and cabinetry, black counter tops, appliances, wood floor, kitchen table Kitchen Upon Completion of Rebuild Project & Remediation Completed By SERVPRO of The Windsors

After remediation of your home from a water or fire loss, the real fun begins with the rebuild project!  I say that half-heartedly; rebuilds can be tough.  Of course, choosing finishes, new appliances, wall colors, flooring, is all fun but there are frustrations as well.  There are always setbacks! Waiting on the insurance settlement, finding quality subcontractors, and coordinating the project can all be frustrating.

That is why a property owner can significantly benefit from using a remediation company as your contractor for your rebuild services. Here’s why:

  1. Remediators understand the insurance process: from negotiating to receiving payment it can be difficult dealing with insurance companies –we “talk the talk”
  2. Remediators act as your outside adjuster, we will work to get your home back to “like it never even happened” 
  3. Remediators understand there is likely hidden damage that can be in your property as they encounter similar situations daily
  4. Remediators such as SERVPRO of The Windsors have the national brand standards and resources behind them!
  5. Remediators are thoroughly licensed and insured!
  6. Remediators offer unique insight due to the vast amount of losses we respond to, giving us a unique perspective. 

3 Different Water Loss Categories

9/11/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage categories (clean water) sink full of water, (grey water) washer machine,  (black water) overflowing toilet Water Damage Categories & Examples of Their Sources

Water has many benefits such as keeping us clean, hydrated, and mother nature relies on water for the earth to grow the fruits and vegetables we consume. Everyone knows the benefits we reap from water, but how often do we stop and think about the different impact it can have in unique situations? In the mitigation field, we see those impacts daily, a majority of the losses we respond to are in fact caused by what? Water. A simple leak caused by a dishwasher or overflowing bathtub may seem so simple, but if it isn't addressed promptly and correctly can quickly become a larger nuisance and can even be harmful to you and your loved ones.  Below are the different 3 Categories of water and some of their different sources.

Category 1: 

Cat 1 also known as clean water, originates from a sanitary source and doesn't pose a substantial risk. 

Examples: ice, snow, or rainwater. A broken water line, an overflowing sink, or bathtub.

Category 2: 

Cat 2 water also known as grey water is water that is contaminated and poses a potential risk of causing harm to humans if contact is made

Examples: washer machines & dishwashers overflows, toilets that contain only liquid contaminates, &  category 1 water that was not promptly been removed can be reclassified as category 2 water.

Category 3:

Cat 3 water also known as black water is grossly unsanitary and can be extremely harmful if contact is made.

Examples: Toilet backflows that originate from beyond the toilet trap, sump pump failures, flooding of rivers, & mold-contaminated water  

In The News Part 12! SERVPRO of The Windsor's Honored!

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Newspaper Fresh off the press!

Local SERVPRO Franchise Receives Outstanding Performance Award

Industry leader in clean-up and restoration services recognizes top-performing franchises at 50th Annual Convention

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) <7/12/19> - SERVPRO of The Windsor’s received the Chairman’s Gold Award at SERVPRO’s recent 50th Annual Convention!  The event, themed “Making History,” was held from June 24-28 at the Sacramento Convention Center in Sacramento, California, where the company was founded.

“It is always gratifying to earn a distinction for our business,” said Antonio Senese, SERVPRO of The Windsors’ Owner, “but it feels especially good this year. We are proud to be a member of the SERVPRO franchise family as the company celebrates 50 years of franchising success. SERVPRO’s ongoing commitment to providing innovative tools, ongoing training, and an ever-evolving business framework gives entrepreneurs like us a roadmap for success. We are proud to be part of SERVPRO’s team of dedicated disaster remediation professionals, and to know that we have both the tools and the knowledge to serve home and business owners in our community should the need arise.”

The company’s 50th Annual Convention was a celebration of the company’s history and a showcase of small business best practices and cutting-edge restoration and remediation technology. The event featured a variety of workshops and group sessions ranging across 37 different topics. Attendees gained knowledge and hands-on experience to help them build and grow their businesses and strengthen ties with both residents and businesses in their local communities. Highlights of the convention included a keynote address by motivational speaker Jon Gordon and an awards ceremony recognizing the achievements of top-performing franchisees.

“SERVPRO has come a long way since Ted and Doris Isaacson started the company as a painting business in Sacramento in 1967,” said Rick Isaacson, chief executive officer of SERVPRO. “In 1969, they used their cleanup and restoration background to take their new company in a different direction and never looked back. SERVPRO’s professional services network now includes more than 1,700 individually owned and operated franchises across the U.S. and Canada. Our annual convention brings this diverse group of entrepreneurs together to learn from industry experts and gives us an opportunity to recognize our top-performing franchisees. We are proud of each of these dedicated professionals and the world-class service they provide to their customers and their communities.”

For more information about SERVPRO of The Windsors please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or ASenese@SERVPROthewindsors.com or visit https://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com/

In The News! Part 13! National Preparedness Month Offers Home and Business Owners an Opportunity to Resolve to be Ready for an Emergency.

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Newspaper, black and white, servpro logo In the News! Part 13!!

Local SERVPRO disaster restoration specialist highlights no-cost tools to help property owners prepare and maintain a comprehensive emergency readiness plan

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 8/27/2019—No matter where you live or work, emergencies caused by weather, fire, wind, water, and other natural or manmade disasters can strike at any time and are largely unpredictable. SERVPRO of The Windsors reminds Connecticut home and businessowners that preparing in advance is the best thing you can do to help minimize a disaster’s impact on your loved ones and your property. Each year, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designates September as National Preparedness Month – a time to create, or update, your plan for when disaster strikes.

“In the same way that people make ‘resolutions’ at the New Year, National Preparedness Month is a great time to resolve to create a plan, or review your existing plan, each and every year,” said Antonio Senese of SERVPRO® of The Windsor’s “Everyone needs a comprehensive emergency plan. Business owners also need to plan for business interruption and continuation. But equally importantly, families and businesses alike need immediate access to data like emergency and insurance contacts, shut-off valves, electrical panel locations, and the line of command to authorize work so emergency responders can react quickly and appropriately during the emergency. This month’s focus on preparedness is a great incentive for both families and businesses to put a plan in place and review it regularly.”

Creating an emergency plan is straightforward, according to Senese. No matter what type of threats exist where you live or work – wildfires, flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, or other natural or manmade disasters – tools are available from FEMA (https://www.ready.gov) with guidelines for preparing emergency food, water, and medical supplies; planning for special needs; and creating communication and evacuation plans. These tools and others, like the SERVPRO READY app, also help you store essential contact and property information electronically where it can be accessed with a mobile device in seconds if disaster strikes. Both home and business owners can download the free app at https://ready.SERVPRO.com/home/mobileapp.

Local business owners can take an additional preparedness step by designating SERVPRO of The Windsors as their disaster mitigation and restoration provider. SERVPRO professionals will conduct a no-cost assessment of the facility and assist the owner in completing a comprehensive Emergency READY Profile® (ERP) to be stored in the READY app. “The key to getting your life or business back on track is timely response after a disaster strikes. That’s why it’s important to take the time to record and store your information electronically, and then commit to a time – like National Preparedness Month – to review and update your records at least once each year,” said Senese. “Remember, filing cabinets and their contents may be inaccessible or even destroyed in an emergency situation, so don’t depend on them to keep track of critical insurance, property, or contact information in the event of a disaster. Store your data electronically. If disaster strikes, you’ll have the information you need literally at your fingertips.”

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup, and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or ASenese@SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on SERVPRO® and the SERVPRO of Emergency READY Program, please visit https://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com/

In The News! Part 11!

6/16/2019 (Permalink)

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 6/14/2019 -- According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), July is the peak month for grilling fires, followed by June, May, and August.1 Annually, U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 10,200 home fires each year involving grills, hibachis, or barbeques. With the summer season fast approaching, Antonio Senese of SERVPRO® of The Windsors, a fire and water damage cleanup specialist in the East Windsor area, urges homeowners to check the readiness of their outdoor cooking equipment – like grills and propane tanks – to help ensure summer cooking fires don’t become house fires.

“The NFPA reports that seven out of every 10 adults in the U.S. has a grill or a smoker,” said Senese. “That statistic really highlights the risk that homeowners face of experiencing a home fire caused by grilling and other open flame cooking. It’s important to take some basic safety steps to help ensure you’ll spend your summer enjoying friends and family and not dealing with the aftermath of a grill-related house fire.”

According to the NFPA, the top three causes of grilling fires are failure to clean the grill, leaks in gas hose lines or breaks in the grill body itself, and proximity to flammable objects. Senese says these risks are easily managed and offers the following tips2 from the NFPA to help East Windsor area residents prepare and use their outdoor grills:

General Grill Safety

  1. Check your grill for cleanliness and damage. Remove grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill before the first use and after each subsequent use.
  2. Position your grill well away from your home and deck railings, and out from under eaves and overhanging tree branches
  3. Keep children and pets at a safe distance – at least three feet from the grill
  4. Never leave the grill unattended when in use, and always grill outside.

Propane Grills

  1. Check for leaks in the gas tank hose before using your grill.
  2. Open gas grill top before lighting the grill.
  3. If the flame goes out, turn the grill and gas off and wait at least five minutes before re-lighting it.

Charcoal Grills

  1. Use only charcoal starter fluid or opt for a charcoal chimney or electric starter.
  2. Never add charcoal starter fluid, or any flammable fluid, to the fire.
  3. Dispose of coals in a metal container after the coals have cooled completely.

“It doesn’t take long to prepare your grill for safe cooking, but it can take months to recover from a fire and the resulting flame, smoke, and water damage,” said Senese. “Invest a few minutes now to get your outdoor cooking equipment clean and ready to go, and then spend your summer enjoying good times and great food, not dealing with the destruction and heartbreak of a house fire.”

SERVPRO is an industry leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services. For more fire prevention and fire safety tips and information about fire and water damage restoration services, please visit www.SERVPRO.com. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 9860)-627-0763 or ASenese@SERVPROthewindsors.com.

1 https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Data-research-and-tools/US-Fire-Problem/Home-Grill-Fires

2 https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/Public-Education/Resources/Safety-tip-sheets/Grilling_safety_Tips.pdf

Xactware and SERVPRO® launch job management joint venture!

4/9/2019 (Permalink)

Industry leaders combine efforts in new partnership!

Xactware’s Restoration Manager partners with SERVPRO’s WorkCenter tools to deliver best in class job management solution!

[GALLATIN, TN & LEHI, UT, April 10, 2019—SERVPRO® has announced a sweeping, company-wide adoption of Xactware’s Restoration Manager. Xactware is a Verisk (Nasdaq:VRSK) business. This announcement marks another chapter in SERVPRO’s long history of providing innovative, best-in-class job oversight and project management capabilities to more than 1,700 Franchisees nationwide.

“With this integration, SERVPRO continues to deliver their franchisees important solutions that help them efficiently and effectively manage their businesses,” said Xactware president, Mike Fulton. “Most importantly, it helps SERVPRO Franchise Professionals continue to provide exceptional service and value to homeowners that have suffered the effects of disaster.”

This new alliance ensures that SERVPRO and its franchisees can leverage Restoration Manager’s job costing, budgeting, scheduling, communication and reporting capabilities.

“We believe the deep commitment we feel toward our customers and clients is best served by using leading-edge technology to deliver highly customized and professional restoration experiences,” said Jeff Fields, SERVPRO’s Chief Information Officer. “Our alliance with Xactware has been longstanding, and this new level of engagement will translate into additional time and resource savings for all parties involved in cleanup and restoration.”

Moving forward, SERVPRO and its franchisees will have the ability to better control paperwork, schedules, and project plans by utilizing the checks and balances, task features, and notifications inherent to Restoration Manager. 

“We’re excited about the expanded relationship with SERVPRO” said Dan Long, President of Xactware’s Service Software division. “Restoration Manager is aligned to enable the most efficient transfer of information from claims ecosystem staples like Xactimate and XactAnalysis to reduce duplicate entry, streamline operations, and expedite inspections and repairs.”

Weather Forecast for Spring: Predictably Unpredictable

3/4/2019 (Permalink)

Happy Spring!

Weather Forecast for Spring: Predictably Unpredictable

Local SERVPRO® disaster recovery professional spotlights resources to help property owners plan in advance for potential severe Spring weather

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) <3/8/2019>—With spring around the corner, Antonio Senese of SERVPRO of The Windsors’ encourages property owners to be prepared for potentially severe weather. Spring weather can be unpredictable, with wide temperature swings and extreme weather changes—sometimes within a 24-hour period. Thunderstorms along with the lightning, tornadoes and flooding they can bring, cause most of this severe spring weather. Thunderstorms can occur anywhere in the U.S., even in spots that don’t experience them often.

“Home and business owners need to be aware that severe weather conditions can develop rapidly and hit unexpectedly, so it’s important to plan ahead,” says Senese. “By the time you hear about an approaching storm, you may have little or no time to prepare for it. The time to prepare is now, before severe weather occurs.”

The National Weather Service (NWS) also stresses the importance of individual and community preparedness for extreme weather events. Their National Seasonal Safety Campaign1 seeks to inform the public about seasonal weather hazards during the time they are most common. For the NWS Spring Safety Campaign that means the period from March 1 to June 1, encompassing Hurricane Preparedness Week from May 5-11, 2019. For each season and its related threats, the NWS provides no-fee Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) to a user’s WEA-capable phone when severe weather is expected (Warning) or possible (Watch) at or near the phone’s location.2 For the spring season, these alerts include thunderstorms, tornadoes, flood and excessive heat along with tsunami warnings and rip-current statements for coastal residents and visitors.

“As disaster remediation specialists, we know how important advance planning and preparation can be not only for surviving an unexpected event, but also for recovering from it once the threat has passed,” says Senese “Follow the advice of the experts: prepare an emergency kit that includes an emergency evacuation or shelter plan, a first aid kit, a three-to-five day supply of water and food, personal hygiene items, medications, blankets and pet supplies, if you have pets. Be sure to include important contact, insurance, utility and medical information stored in a reliable and accessible place like the SERVPRO Ready Plan App3 or other readily available spot. Having these critical items available to grab and go in both your home and car allows you to quickly move to safety and then take immediate steps toward recovery once the emergency is over.”

While it’s important for families and individuals to heed the safety advice of the NWS as the spring severe weather season approaches, it’s also important for businesses to prepare for the threats of the new season. “For businesses, advance planning for severe weather and other unexpected events can mean the difference between surviving or closing their doors forever,” according to Senese, “As many as 50 percent of businesses close down following a disaster, unable to survive long periods of business interruption caused by a disaster and its aftermath. To help address this problem, SERVPRO developed their Emergency READY Profile (ERP).4”

Business owners work with their local SERVPRO franchise professional to implement their ERP, beginning with a no-cost facility assessment and employing online tools to document critical facility, contact, and line-of-command information. Having this information in a central, easily accessible location helps facilitate the prompt, appropriate and efficient response that SERVPRO knows it is critical to getting a business back in business as quickly as possible.

For more information on SERVPRO® of The Windsor’s please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or ASenese@SERVPROthewindsors.com

For more information on SERVPRO® and the SERVPRO® Emergency READY Program, please visit www.ready.SERVPRO.com. 

1 https://www.weather.gov/safetycampaign

2 https://www.weather.gov/wrn/wea

3 https://ready.SERVPRO.com/Home/MobileApp

4 https://ready.SERVPRO.com/Home/ReadyProgram

In The News. Part 10!

12/3/2018 (Permalink)

two football players, blue jerseys, script, servpro logo, first responder bowl, boise state, boston college SERVPRO Honors Everyday Heroes with Sponsorship of SERVPRO First Responder Bowl!

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 12/7/2018 -- SERVPRO is proud to announce the inaugural SERVPRO First Responder Bowl being played at historic Cotton Bowl Stadium. The newly renamed bowl is designed to honor the sacrifice and service of the brave men and women who are the first line of defense in local communities like East Windsor when theunexpected or the unthinkable happens says Antonio Senese of SERVPRO of The Windsors. Kickoff for the event, televised by ESPN, is December 26 at 1:30 ET, featuring Boston College Eagles and Boise State Broncos

“It’s a privilege to have the SERVPRO name associated with an event that celebrates the dedication and selflessness of first responders,” said Senese. “These men and women are true hometown heroes and first on the scene when disaster strikes, helping to save lives and protect property.”

The SERVPRO First Responder Bowl will honor first responders including police officers, firefighters, EMS workers, correctional officers, search and rescue teams, dispatchers, security guards, federal agents, border patrol agents, and military personnel who have specialized training and are the first to arrive and provide help at the scene of an emergency. Event organizers planned to distribute 10,000 complimentary tickets to verified first responders and their families who sign up at https://www.firstresponderbowl.com/first-responders. These complimentary tickets are possible thanks to corporate sponsors like SERVPRO and individual fans who chose to “Sponsor a Responder” with a $15 donation when they purchase their general admission tickets.

“The SERVPRO First Responder Bowl is a celebration of the commitment to service demonstrated by the everyday people who willingly put themselves in harm’s way to protect the lives and property of their neighbors,” said Sue Steen, CEO of SERVPRO Industries, Inc. “SERVPRO is honored to have this opportunity to shine a spotlight on all of these hard working first responders, and their families, and to recognize them for the heroes they are.”

For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors please contact Antonio Senese at (860)-627-0763 or SERVPROthewindsors.com.

Document Restoration Services

11/23/2018 (Permalink)

The Document Freeze Drying Chamber at SERVPRO Corporate in Gallatin, TN.

Think about all the important documents at your home, or hospital, law office, government building, home or any other job where a water loss has occurred. There are countless documents that can be affected by a loss. Jobs could be as small as precious family keepsakes such as a bible or photo albums, to an entire hospital's medical documents.

Who is going to take care of those documents?

Document Restoration Services are now available to all customers through the facilities and a drying chamber housed at SERVPRO Corporate.

How does it work?
Our team, along with the help of the Document Restoration team, will inventory the documents at the site of the loss, pack them up, then ship them to our corporate office. In some cases, cold storage or refrigerated trucks may be used. Once documents arrive, the boxes will be inventoried, placed in cold storage if necessary and the drying process will begin.

The Document Restoration Team uses sublimation—turning a solid directly into a vapor, skipping the liquid stage to avoid causing more damage to the documents. This process can recover even the most delicate items—from documents to photographs and x-rays, to entire business archives. Depending on the type of job, documents can also be decontaminated, cleaned, deodorized, and even digitized. 



The Document Restoration Team will go through each box page by page to wipe down and remove dirt, soot, or other contaminants. 
There are 3 levels of cleaning based on the type of soiling, and how heavy it is. 


Many times documents that have been affected will hold residual smells of contaminants, or mildew, and should be deodorized before being returned to your client.

With the new age of technology, digitizing records and documents has become a standard practice in most industries. This eliminates the need to have massive file storage rooms and allows us to access records at the click of a button. If your customer's file room was damaged by water or smoke and needs to be cleaned, dried or decontaminated, digitizing might be a good choice to eliminate the need to have hundreds or even thousands of documents and records in their storage.

Gamma Irradiation

Gamma irradiation is a process used for cleaning/disinfecting and decontaminating documents or other consumer goods. 

In a CAT 3 situation (sewage or flood water), documents are not only deteriorating but are also infected with all types of bacteria. In most storm situations, you are dealing with CAT 3 water; therefore, most of the affected documents you encounter will be contaminated. 

If this is the case, decontamination is always a must. In living cells, these disruptions result in damage to the DNA and other cellular structures. These photon-induced changes at the molecular level cause the death of the organism or render the organism incapable of reproduction. The gamma process does not create residuals or impart radioactivity in processed products.

Certified Destruction

Unfortunately, many businesses and government agencies have to dispose of counterfeit, faulty, expired or contaminated materials. All entities need to be certified that their products and materials are destroyed. The guarantee of certified destruction is to protect one's liabilities, brand image or proprietary information. 


  • Vacuum freeze drying is the most efficient and effective way to salvage water-damaged documents.
  • SERVPRO's technicians are trained to use the most advanced technology available for document recovery and drying; in fact, the Document Restoration Team uses the same technique the Library of Congress uses to dry water-damaged books. 
  • All employees of the Document Restoration Team are HIPAA Master certified and once your items arrive at the SERVPRO facility, 24/7 video surveillance is guaranteed.

Types of Fires and Extinguishers!

10/25/2018 (Permalink)

Be sure to keep a proper fire extinguisher handy!

A fire is a dangerous situation that can quickly become out of control. The first line of defense in battling the flames is a fire extinguisher, but did you know that there are different types of extinguishers for different fires? Hopefully you never encounter such a situation, but knowing the source and having the proper equipment is one easy way to prepare.

The Five Classes of Fires

The National Fire Protection Association has created a standard known as the NFPA 10 for portable fire extinguishers.

Class A fires group ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and plastics.

Class B fires are any flammable liquids such as gasoline oils, solvents, and alcohol. Flammable gases like propane are also under this class.

Class C fires involve any energized electrical equipment like computers or appliances.

Class D deals with combustible metals like magnesium, sodium, lithium, and potassium.

Class K fires specifically group liquid fires involving cooking oils and greases.

Types of Extinguishers

You need the right tool for the job, and fire extinguishers are no different. Knowing which extinguisher fights which fires best is essential to stop the fire from spreading or re-igniting.

Water and Foam: To be used for Class A fires only. Never use on Class C fires as it can create a shock hazard!

Carbon Dioxide: Can be used for Class B and Class C.

Multi-Purpose Dry Chemical: For use on Class A, B, and C fires. This is the most widely used type of extinguisher.

Ordinary Dry Chemical: For Class B and C fires only. Using an ordinary dry chemical extinguisher on a Class A fire can cause it to re-ignite even if it appears to be fully out.

Wet Chemical: For Class K fires and some Class A fires. These were developed specifically for cooking incidents.

Clean Agent/Halogenated: Effective for Class A, B, and C, though smaller clean agent extinguishers may not be rated for Class A fires.

Dry Powder: Similar to dry chemical, but for Class D fires only.

Water Mist:  For use with Class A or C fires where contamination is a concern.

Multi-Purpose Cartridge Operated Dry Chemical: Similar to regular dry chemical extinguishers and can tackle Class A, B, and C fires.

Ordinary Cartridge Operated Dry Chemical: For Class B and C only.

Remember that a portable fire extinguisher is only meant to put out a fire of limited size. If you feel that you are in danger or are not confident in using equipment, leave the area and call 911.

In The News! Part 9!

10/23/2018 (Permalink)

The best holiday is a safe holiday!

Local SERVPRO Fire Damage Restoration Specialist Offers Connecticut Families Tips on Cooking Up a Safe Holiday Season

Startling statistics underscore the need for caution in the kitchen.

East Windsor, CT, (Grassroots Newswire) -- Holiday party planning begins now for many families, and Antonio Senese of SERVPRO of The Windsors offers some important reminders to residents to help ensure this season glows with the warmth of good food and good friends, and not with the glare of a devastating home fire.

“The holiday season is a time when many families plan big and elaborate meals for large groups of people,” says Senese. “But all that cooking creates an extraordinary risk of fire. For a safe and festive holiday season, it’s important to understand that risk and take steps to minimize it.”

Cooking Fire Safety

NFPA research reveals that in 2016, on average, U.S. fire departments responded to a home fire every 90 seconds. Cooking fires were the leading cause of these home fires and related home fire injuries and the second leading cause of related home fire deaths. Unattended cooking was the leading contributing factor in these fires.1

“Connecticut families should keep these statistics in mind as the holidays approach. According to the NFPA, Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by the day before Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve 2,” says Senese. “Families should also be aware that frying poses the greatest risk of fire, in fact, the NFPA discourages the use of outdoor gas-fueled turkey fryers that immerse the turkey in hot oil.3 This video graphically illustrates the danger these devices can pose.” https://youtu.be/j3rF8F0JQRQ.

Senese offers these additional cooking safety tips from FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administration.4

  1. Keep an eye on what you fry: If you see any smoke or the oil starts to boil, turn the burner off.
  2. Stand by your pan: If you leave the kitchen, turn the burner off.
  3. Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so that no one can bump them or pull them over.
  4. Wear short sleeves or pull sleeves up: 18 percent of cooking fire fatalities in 2016 were caused by ignited clothing.2
  5. Keep a pot lid or cookie sheet nearby to cover a pan if it catches on fire.

“Taking common sense precautions like these and keeping kids and pets out of the kitchen during meal prep can help keep your holiday celebrations safe,” says Senese. “The precautions you take could help prevent a devastating home fire, a tragic injury, or even the loss of life. While SERVPRO disaster response professionals are fire damage restoration specialists, they know how important it is to keep the focus on fire prevention, because for some types of loss, there is no remediation.”

SERVPRO is an industry leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services. For more fire prevention and fire safety tips and information about fire and water damage restoration services, please visit www.SERVPRO.com. For more information on SERVPRO of , please contact at or .

Citations 1 https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/News-and-Research/Fire statistics/Factsheets/FireLossFacts.pdf

2 https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/News-and-Research/Fire-statistics/Factsheets/CookingFactSheet.pdf

3 https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/By-topic/Top-causes-of-fire/Cooking/Turkey-fryers

4 https://www.usfa.fema.gov/prevention/outreach/cooking.html

IICRC Certified Firm

10/22/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of The Windsors is an IICRC firm!

SERVPRO of The Windsors is an IICRC firm. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) creates the standards for the restoration industry and provides training and certification to restoration companies. IICRC Certified Firms have the right to display the IICRC Certified Logo.

IICRC Certified Firms must

  • Present accurate information to consumers and conduct business with honesty and integrity.
  • Require a technician on all jobs who has been formally trained and passed all required tests.
  • Require a continuing education program to keep technicians up-to-date on the latest changes in the industry.
  • Maintain liability insurance to protect all parties in the event of an accident.
  • Maintain a written complaint policy and agree to Better Business Bureau or similar arbitration to resolve disputes, and accept the conclusions and recommendations of arbitration.

The IICRC Develops The Standards For The Restoration Industry

The IICRC has been the driving force in establishing the main industry standards and reference guides for professional carpet cleaning, water damage restoration and mold remediation. These IICRC standards take years to develop and require the coordination of experts in the field: manufacturers, industry organizations, insurance professionals, training schools, contractors, and public health professionals.

Every five years, the standards are reviewed and updated. The water damage restoration field changes rapidly with advancements in technology and science, and therefore the standards must evolve to keep pace.

About SERVPRO of The Windsors

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration and we are an IICRC Certified Firm. We believe in continuous training: from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet our crew: https://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com/employee-photos

About us: https://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com/company-profile

East Windsor’s 250th Anniversary Celebration

9/24/2018 (Permalink)

3 men in front of SERVPO trucks and a vehicle in a parking lot SERVPRO of The Windsor's getting ready for the parade!

SERVPRO of The Windsor’s are proud to be a part of the local community so when the 250th Anniversary Celebration was announced we were eager to be a part of the festivities!  The day began with a parade! Our crew participated with three vehicles from our fleet and added a nice bright splash of green to the procession, you couldn’t miss us! We were placed behind the marching band, allowing us to enjoy the music through the route! After the parade the festivities continued with live music, games, food, face painting, a horse shoe contest and wrapped up with fireworks! We had a great time celebrating with the community! We are proud to be a part of the East Windsor community and look forward to celebrating with everyone again!

September is National Preparedness Month!

8/20/2018 (Permalink)

September is National Preparedness Month!

September is National Preparedness Month: “Disasters happen, prepare now, learn how”

Local SERVPRO disaster recovery specialist offers property owners tips for preparing for, surviving, and recovering from the unexpected.

(Grassroots Newswire) —Local disaster restoration specialist Antonio Senese , owner of SERVPRO® of The Windsor’s, reminds Connecticut property owners that September is National Preparedness Month. This annual event, sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provides families and businesses with the information and resources they need to plan for, react to, survive, and recover from an emergency, before the emergency happens. (https://www.ready.gov/september)

For National Preparedness Month 2018, themed “Disasters happen, prepare now, learn how,” FEMA has prepared a week-by-week calendar of recommended actions property owners can take to be ready if disaster does strike:

Week 1. Create an emergency plan that includes signing up for emergency alerts and making contingency plans for shelter, evacuation, and family communication.

Week 2. Learn life-saving skills. CPR is a good place to start, but also be certain you know how to turn off the utilities in your home and ensure your smoke and CO detectors are properly installed and working.

Week 3. Check your insurance coverage. Once the emergency is over, appropriate and sufficient insurance will be key to getting your life back to normal, or at least on track.

 Week 4. Plan financially for the possibility of a disaster. This goes beyond having a “rainy day fund” for immediate needs. Gather and organize important home, business, insurance, financial, and personal documents and keep them up-to-date and stored in a secure, water-and-fire proof location.

“There’s a difference between surviving a disaster and recovering from a disaster,” says Senese. “Families and businesses who take the time to create both a short- and long-term plan to deal with the unexpected are better able to respond quickly if the unexpected happens, which can improve their chances of survival. Having key information at their fingertips in the aftermath of the emergency can set them on the path to recovery more quickly and with less stress.”

Because SERVPRO recognizes a fast response is critical in any emergency, reminds -area commercial and residential property owners they can download the SERVPRO READY app for free at https://ready.SERVPRO.com/home/mobileapp. The app allows users to store essential contact and property information electronically, where it can be accessed with a mobile device in seconds, right from the scene, if disaster strikes. For local business owners who designate SERVPRO of as their disaster mitigation and restoration provider, SERVPRO professionals will conduct a no-cost assessment of their facility, help the owner complete a comprehensive Emergency READY Profile® (ERP), and store that profile in the READY app.

“SERVPRO disaster cleanup and restoration specialists are ready to respond to emergencies big and small,” said Senese. “From SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team, a group of elite large-loss specialists, prequalified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster, to local SERVPRO professionals like SERVPRO of The Windsors, we specialize in disaster restoration, cleanup and repair services, helping make it ‘Like it never even happened’ for both commercial and residential customers.”

For more information on SERVPRO® of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or www.SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on SERVPRO® and the SERVPRO® Emergency READY Program, please visit www.ready.SERVPRO.com.

First Responder Bowl

8/17/2018 (Permalink)

First Responder Bowl

New SERVPRO First Responder Bowl to be played at Cotton Bowl Stadium

DALLAS – In a joint effort to honor the service and sacrifice of America’s First Responders, the annual college football bowl game played at Cotton Bowl Stadium in Dallas, Texas has been renamed the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl.  Kickoff for the newly christened SERVPRO First Responder Bowl is set for December 26 at 12:30 p.m. CT (1:30 p.m. ET) and will be televised by ESPN.  The agreement between ESPN Events and SERVPRO was brokered by Denver-based Impression Sports & Entertainment.

"We are truly grateful for all first responders’ sacrifice and service,” said Brant Ringler, Executive Director of the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl. “It is a tremendous privilege to honor these brave men and women who protect our communities 24/7/365. As this game continues to grow, so do our ties with first responders. Additionally, having a sponsor like SERVPRO who works along-side and supports these community heroes reinforces our goals of recognizing our first responders.”

"We are proud to present the SERVPRO First Responder Bowl dedicated to honoring some of the hardest working men and women in our country" said Sue Steen, CEO of SERVPRO Industries, Inc. "We recognize the dedication and selfless acts of our First Responders and are honored to help highlight and celebrate the commitment of these everyday heroes."

The 2018 SERVPRO First Responder Bowl is the ninth edition of the bowl game, formerly known as the Heart of Dallas Bowl, and part of the 89-year history of games being played at Cotton Bowl Stadium on the grounds of Dallas’ Fair Park, which features 227 acres of museums, attractions, history, art and performances located in the heart of the ninth largest city in the United States.

First responders to be honored include police officers, firefighters, EMS workers, correctional officers, search and rescue, dispatchers, security guards, federal agents, border patrol agents and military personnel who have specialized training and are the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency.

“This is an exciting change, and we are humbled by the fact that an actual bowl game has been named exclusively for the first responders of this country,” Dallas Fire-Rescue Fire Chief David Coatney said.

“We are truly honored to have a bowl game here in Dallas named after the hard working men and women serving and protecting communities across this country.  It always feels great to be recognized, and I know our officers and firefighters are touched by this overwhelming show of support, “said Dallas Police Chief U. Renee Hall.

The SERVPRO First Responder Bowl tickets will go on sale in September.  Tickets for First Responders will continue to be underwritten by our corporate sponsors. Planning for the First Responder Fan Fest in Cotton Bowl Plaza will begin immediately.  Anyone wanting more information on the bowl game can visit www.firstresponderbowl.com.

The SERVPRO First Responder Bowl is one of 14 owned and operated bowl games by ESPN Events, a division of ESPN.

ESPN Events

ESPN Events, a division of ESPN, owns and operates a large portfolio of 32 collegiate sporting events worldwide. The roster includes three Labor Day weekend college football games; FCS opening-weekend game; 14 college bowl games, 12 college basketball events, a college softball event and two college award shows, which accounts for approximately 300-plus hours of programming, reaches almost 64 million viewers and attracts over 700,000 attendees each year. With satellite offices in Albuquerque, Birmingham, Boca Raton, Boise, Dallas-Fort Worth, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Montgomery and St. Petersburg, ESPN Events builds relationships with conferences, schools and local communities, as well as providing unique experiences for teams and fans. ESPN Events also manages the Big 12 Corporate Partner Program.

Collegiate Football

Academy Sports + Outdoors Texas Bowl (Houston); AdvoCare Texas Kickoff (Houston); Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl (Tampa, Fla.); Birmingham Bowl (Alabama); Cheribundi Tart Cherry Boca Raton Bowl (Florida); Camping World Kickoff (Orlando, Fla.); Celebration Bowl (Atlanta); Famous Idaho Potato Bowl (Boise); Frisco Bowl (Texas); Guardian Credit Union FCS Kickoff (Montgomery, Ala.); Hawai’i Bowl (Honolulu); Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl (Dallas-Fort Worth); Makers Wanted Bahamas Bowl (Nassau);  MEAC/SWAC Challenge (Atlanta); Mitsubishi Motors Las Vegas Bowl (Nevada);   New Mexico Bowl (Albuquerque); Raycom Media Camellia Bowl (Montgomery, Ala.); SERVPRO First Responder Bowl (Dallas-Fort Worth);  The Home Depot College Football Awards (Atlanta)

Collegiate Basketball

AdvoCare Invitational (Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando, Fla.); Armed Forces Classic (Fort Bliss, Texas); Charleston Classic (South Carolina); College Basketball Awards Presented by Wendy’s (Los Angeles); Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic (Honolulu); Jimmy V Men’s Classic presented by Corona (New York City); Jimmy V Women’s Classic Presented by Corona (South Bend, Ind.); Myrtle Beach Invitational (Conway, S.C.); NIT Season Tip-Off (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Puerto Rico Tip-Off; State Farm Champions Classic (Indianapolis) and Wooden Legacy (Fullerton, Calif.)

Collegiate Softball

St. Pete/Clearwater Elite Invitational (Clearwater, Fla.)

For more information, visit the official website, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube pages.


Founded in 1967, the SERVPRO® Franchise System is a leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services, and mold mitigation and remediation. SERVPRO's professional services network of more than 1,700 individually owned and operated Franchises responds to property damage emergencies ranging from small individual disasters to multi-million dollar large-loss events. Providing coverage in the United States and Canada, the SERVPRO® System has established relationships with major insurance companies and commercial clients, as well as individual homeowners.

About Impression Sports & Entertainment

Impression Sports & Entertainment (Impression Sports) specializes in providing clients with full-service sponsorship sales representation, sponsorship consulting and venue naming rights services. Founded in 2011, Impression Sports has established itself as one of the leading firms in the industry by working with top brands, including USC, the San Antonio Spurs, Auburn University, the Fiesta Bowl organization, USA Swimming and ESPN Events among others. Its management team provides in-depth experience and results-driven success in venue naming rights, title sponsorships and high-profile sales and sponsorship platforms.

Based in Denver, CO, Impression Sports is owned by Home Team Sports (HTS). HTS is a sales unit of FOX Sports that offers advertisers one-stop shopping for TV and digital media sponsorship of every MLB, NBA and NHL home team across the U.S., reaching 90+ million homes with its platforms.  For more information on Impression Sports, including a complete client roster and testimonials, visit www.impressionsports.com

SERVPRO® Named Top Franchise Opportunity in Restoration Services Category for the 15th Consecutive Year

2/19/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® Named Top Franchise Opportunity in Restoration Services Category for the 15th Consecutive Year

SERVPRO® Named Top Franchise Opportunity in Restoration Services Category for the 15th Consecutive Year

Cleanup and restoration franchisor attains #12 ranking overall in Entrepreneur magazine’s 2018 Franchise 500 rankings

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 02/19/2018 - SERVPRO®, a cleanup and restoration franchise company, continues to dominate its segment of Entrepreneur magazine’s Franchise 500 list, receiving top ranking in the Restoration Services industry for the 15th consecutive year*. Local entrepreneur Antonio Senese, owner of SERVPRO of The Windsors, said the company also achieved the number 12 spot overall** in the prestigious rankings, standing out in a record breaking group of more than 1,020 franchises qualified for the 2018 list.

The purpose of the Franchise 500 list is to use objective and quantifiable measures of a franchise operation to help would-be entrepreneurs identify franchise investment opportunities. The evaluation process is based on what the magazine calls “The Five Pillars of the Franchise 500©”: Costs and Fees, Size and Growth, Support, Brand Strength, and Financial Strength and Stability.

“We are proud to be a part of this ‘Best in Category’ organization,” said Senese. “SERVPRO’s financial strength and stability, growth rate, and system size all contribute to the company’s success, and by extension to the success of its franchisees. The commitment to excellence starts at the top and carries through to the service each franchisee provides to each and every customer.”

Sue Steen, SERVPRO Industries, Inc., chief executive officer, says key differentiators set SERVPRO apart from the competition, making it a strong business opportunity for both existing franchisees and would-be entrepreneurs. Those differentiators are:

  • SERVPRO’s strength as a brand, enabling the company to form national partnerships with organizations like the PGA TOUR®
  • SERVPRO’s commitment to being a learning organization, helping franchisees plan, track, and deliver best-in-class services to consumers.
  • SERVPRO’s focus on continued technological development and support, resulting in industry-leading proprietary software and systems

“SERVPRO was founded in 1967 as a painting company. Today, we are a mature restoration services organization with more than 1,700 individually owned and operated locations under a single brand,” said Steen. “Our franchisees respond to property damage emergencies ranging from small individual disasters to multi-million dollar large-loss events. Maintaining our position for 15 consecutive years as the best franchise opportunity in our category on the Entrepreneur Franchise 500 list validates our long-standing strategy for growing our brand: invest in franchisee training and support, and commit resources to continually improving our infrastructure.”

SERVPRO® specializes in fire and water cleanup and restoration services, helping both commercial and residential customers recover from property damage emergencies “Like it never even happened.” For more information about SERVPRO® of The Windsors, contact at (860) 627-0763 or www.SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information about SERVPRO®, please visit www.SERVPRO.com.

* http://bit.ly/2mIH4aD


In The News! Part 8! SERVPRO Extends PGA Partnership!

1/18/2018 (Permalink)

news paper, servpro logo, script that reads new press release In the news!

SERVPRO® of SERVPRO® Extends PGA Tour Sponsorship through 2020

(Grassroots Newswire) —SERVPRO has extended their sponsorship with the PGA Tour through the 2020 season, retaining their designation as the official cleanup and restoration company of both the PGA Tour and the Champions Tour according to local entrepreneur Antonio Senese, owner of SERVPRO® of The Windsors. SERVPRO’s first event of the 2018 PGA Tour season tees up this week with the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines Golf Course.

“We are proud, both personally and as a part of the SERVPRO family, to be associated with the prestigious and well-respected PGA Tour,” Senese said . “This sponsorship allows us to showcase our capabilities not only to the communities where PGA events are held, but also to the huge television and online audience that follows the Tour. Both individual property owners and commercial facility owners will have the opportunity to learn about SERVPRO and the services offered as they enjoy watching the world’s best players compete on the world’s most beautiful golf courses.”

Sue Steen, SERVPRO Industries, Inc., Chief Executive Officer, reveals that SERVPRO will have a presence at several PGA Tour tournaments in 2018, including The Players Championship and The TOUR Championship. “In addition, we plan to be involved with First Responder events throughout the PGA Tour year,” said Steen.

“SERVPRO is a national leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services, but each SERVPRO Franchise is a local business, operated by a local business person with ties to the community he or she serves,” says Steen. “The wide and growing audience the PGA Tour commands will learn a SERVPRO professional is available in their local community, ready to respond at a moment’s notice if things go wrong at their home or business.”

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at (860)-627-0763 or Office@SERVPROthewindsors.com.

In The News! Part 7!

11/14/2017 (Permalink)

news paper, servpro logo, script that reads new press release In the news!

Local Disaster Response Professional Says Keep the Focus on Fire Prevention for a Safe and Joyous Holiday Season!

SERVPRO® restoration specialist outlines holiday home fire prevention guidelines

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 11/17/2017-- The American Red Cross (ARC) cites statistics from the U.S. Fire Administration1 showing nearly 47,000 fires occur during the winter holidays, claiming more than 500 lives, causing more than 2,200 injuries, and costing $554 million in property damage.

Antonio Senese of SERVPRO® of The Windsors cautions home owners to follow some important ARC guidelines for holiday decorating and entertaining to make sure that the glow in their holiday celebrations is from twinkling lights and not a costly and potentially deadly fire.

  • Place Christmas trees and other holiday decorations at least three feet away from heat sources like fireplaces, portable heaters, radiators, heat vents, and candles.
  • Purchase flame-retardant metallic or artificial trees. If you purchase a real tree, make sure that it has fresh, green needles that aren’t easily broken. Keep live trees as moist as possible by giving them plenty of water.
  • Make sure that light strings and other holiday decorations are in good condition. Do not use anything with frayed electrical cords and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • If you are celebrating Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, keep flammable items, including curtains and holiday decorations, at least three feet away from your candles. Place your menorah or kinara on a non-flammable surface, such as a tray lined with aluminum foil, to catch the melting candle wax. Never leave lit candles unattended.
  • Ensure all candles and smoking materials are properly extinguished after guests leave and always unplug tree and holiday lights before leaving home or going to bed.

“If, in spite of all your precautions, a fire does break out, the most important thing you can do to help save lives is to install and maintain smoke alarms throughout your property,” Senese says . “Having a working smoke alarm reduces everyone’s chances of dying in a fire by nearly half.” 1 notes that the ARC is joining with fire departments and community groups nationwide to deliver and install a limited number of free smoke alarms in homes for those in need. Contact your local ARC chapter for more information.

 The disaster response professionals at SERVPRO, a national leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services, witness the devastation that home fires can cause far too often. They also know that when fire causes a loss of life, there is no “remediation” possible. To keep the focus on fire prevention, rather than fire restoration, SERVPRO has teamed up with the American Red Cross by supporting the ARC Disaster Responder2 program, and in particular the Home Fire Preparedness Campaign. 3 As a Disaster Responder, SERVPRO pledges dollars and support in advance to help the ARC develop and distribute educational materials and respond immediately when they are needed.

“As a SERVPRO professional, I know that even the most diligent fire prevention planning can’t prevent all home fires. That’s why fire safety planning, like installing and maintaining smoke detectors and having a family escape plan, is also important,” Senese  says . “If a fire does break out in your home this holiday season, make sure all your family members follow this lifesaving advice from the ARC: Get Out, Stay Out, and Call for Help.”

For more fire prevention and fire safety tips and information about fire and water damage restoration services, please visit www.SERVPRO.com. For more information on SERVPRO® of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or www.SERVPROthewindsors.com

In The News! Part 6! American Red Cross and Hurricane Harvey and Irma

9/8/2017 (Permalink)

American red cross logo, script, red cross, we can save a life We are proud sponsors of the American Red Cross!

The American Red Cross continues to help people impacted by Hurricane Harvey while preparing to respond to Florida and the Southeast as powerful Hurricane Irma nears the United States and its territories. Hurricane Irma is the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricane on record. People in the potential path of the storm should monitor weather reports and prepare accordingly.

The Red Cross has robust disaster response capabilities, which allow the organization to respond to two significant disasters like Hurricanes Harvey and Irma without compromising assistance to those in need.

Though the rain has stopped falling in Texas and Louisiana, river and bayou flooding continues. Officials estimate as many as 135,000 homes may be impacted with more than 22,000 homes receiving major damage. In some areas, people are just beginning to clean up their flooded homes. The Red Cross is doing everything  it can to get help where it’s needed. Access to many areas remains challenging but the Red Cross is expanding its  reach into more communities every day. The Red Cross is working around the clock to support the victims of Hurricane Harvey.

More than 16,000 people sought refuge in 90 Red Cross and partner shelters across Texas. The Red Cross is also assisting the Louisiana state government with emergency shelters.   Even now, more than 3,100 Red Cross disaster workers have helped:

  • Along with its partners, serve more than 906,000 meals and snacks;
  • Provide care by supporting 26,000 mental health and health services contacts;
  • Distribute more than 194,000 relief items like diapers and comfort kits that contain deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other hygiene items for people forced from their homes; and
  • Mobilize more than 190 emergency response vehicles to help deliver meals and relief supplies.

The American Red Cross is mounting a massive response as Irma heads to the United States. Red Cross workers are hard at work on many island nations throughout the storm’s path and, with Irma bearing down on Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, the American Red Cross is already there helping.

Hurricane Irma is currently a Category 5 hurricane with 185 mph winds. The storm has cut access to some islands and others  may face similar  challenges. In Florida, evacuations are underway and the National Guard has been  activated. People are lining up for gas, making arrangements for disaster supplies, and getting their homes ready.

To prepare for Hurricane Irma, the American Red Cross has:

  • Mobilized relief materials through Florida and the mid-Atlantic region.
  • Staged responders in nearby areas so they may respond quickly.
  • Planned to have the resources to shelter more than 120,000 people.
  • Activated 80 emergency response vehicles.
  • Prepositioned 100,000 shelf-stable meals.

Even as The Red Cross continues to operate shelters, serve meals, and provide critical relief supplies in areas affected by Hurricane Harvey, some people have returned home and need assistance. The Red Cross will work with individuals and families to help them recover. The Red Cross will help residents start the recovery process by connecting them to needed services and resources. In some cases, the Red Cross may provide financial assistance.

Recovering from a disaster can be a challenging, emotionally draining, and complicated process. Each community and each family will have different needs, and will require different support to meet those needs. Red Cross caseworkers connect one-on-one with people to create recovery plans, navigate paperwork and locate help from other agencies.

The Red Cross works with government and nonprofit partners to help develop coordinated community recovery plans and strategies. In some situations, the Red Cross may give grants to partner organizations for specialized activities such as mold remediation or building storm shelters. Our recovery support could also include preparedness activities so people and communities are ready for the next emergency.


8/31/2017 (Permalink)

In your community and here to help!

Some collectors focus on one particular item perhaps coins or sports memorabilia while other collectors appreciate everything. Unfortunately, sometimes appreciation turns to obsession. This obsession then leads to amassing uncontrollable amounts of everything and anything; commonly known as hoarding. SERVPRO of The Windsors has a lot of experience with hoarding situations. We have visited properties where plastic store bags filled an entire room, another with magazines, and another with beverages.

Eventually, for one reason or another; the items will need to be dealt with and the space cleaned. It may be due to a homeowner moving, passing away, or the need to clean and empty the space to restore the property to safe living conditions. 

Whatever the circumstances it will take understanding, discretion, and patience to assist in the process.  We have experience working with property owners and their families in this difficult times. Together the families and our crews determined what can be salvaged, what needs to be disposed of, and then get the dwelling clean and sanitized. If this is something we can help you with please don’t hesitate to contact us at (860)627-0763.

In The News! Part 5!

8/14/2017 (Permalink)

four squares, property damage, houses under duress, earthquake, flood, blizzard fire, house broken, house fire, house water September is National Preparedness Month!

SERVPRO Recognizes National Preparedness Month with a Reminder to Home and Business Owners: “Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can.”

Local disaster restoration specialist offers no-cost tools to help property owners prepare a comprehensive emergency readiness plan!

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) 8/23/2017—September is National Preparedness Month (http://www.ready.gov/September), an annual event sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to raise awareness about the importance of preparing—in advance—for the unexpected. In support of this initiative, Antonio Senese, owner of SERVPRO® of The Windsors, encourages property owners to take the following two steps now to protect their family, home, and business in the aftermath of a disaster.

  1. Review and update your emergency preparedness plan, including business and life continuity plans. If you don’t yet have a plan, use the tools provided by FEMA to get started. (https://www.ready.gov/make-a-plan)
  2. Collect and store time-critical information, like the location of shutoff valves, fire suppression system controls, and emergency contact numbers electronically, where it is immediately available to assist first responders.

“Evacuation plans and emergency supply kits help you survive a disaster, but a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan helps you recover from a disaster,” said Senese. “The most effective response to any emergency is a fast response. That’s why having critical system and contact information at your fingertips is so important. A quick and effective response helps minimize repairs and downtime, helping both businesses and families get back on track in less time, with less stress.”

SERVPRO offers tools for both commercial and residential property owners to help them minimize damage and recover quickly from emergencies. The SERVPRO READY app stores essential contact and property information electronically where it can be accessed with a mobile device in seconds if disaster strikes. Both home and business owners can download the free app at https://ready.SERVPRO.com/home/mobileapp. Local business owners can take an additional preparedness step by designating SERVPRO of The Windsors as their disaster mitigation and restoration provider. SERVPRO professionals will conduct a no-cost assessment of the facility and assist the owner in completing a comprehensive Emergency READY Profile® (ERP) and storing that profile in the READY app.

“Rapid response from a disaster cleanup and restoration specialist can help the property owner evaluate options, start the insurance process, and take the right steps from the beginning to bring their property back to normal,” said Senese. “Even in the confusion and panic that often surround a disaster, a property owner or manager using the SERVPRO READY app can reach out for expert help right from the scene, using a cell phone.”

SERVPRO® of The Windsors specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO® of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or www.SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on SERVPRO® and the SERVPRO® Emergency READY Program (ERP), please visit our website at www.ready.SERVPRO.com.

Kitchen Remodels

8/11/2017 (Permalink)

This picture shows a kitchen we remodeled! The homeowner wanted a fresh and inviting kitchen-nailed it!

The kitchen is one of the most utilized rooms in any home.  It is a place for eating, cleaning and gathering together! As such, we all want a nice kitchen. What exactly that means varies by person. Some people enjoy a light and airy space, others care about the size of the range, hardwood floors or tile? So many options, so many things to consider! We here at SERVPRO of The Windsors have a lot of experience in kitchen remodels!  We work with homeowners to create the space they enjoy.  From flooring oprtions to hardware choices we work closely to customize each kitchen for our clients.  In fact, in a recent poll (completed in our office) results show kitchen remodels are one of the most enjoyable construction products! So we would love to help you with yours!  If you have any needs for design or construction for your kitchen remodel give us a call at (860)627-0763! We look forward to hearing from you!

Elderly Parents

8/1/2017 (Permalink)

This picture shows a property that needed cleaning after an accident involving blood. We removed the carpet and cleaned and sanitized the floors.

In our office we’ve been talking a lot lately about the world changing hands. Many of us, the “baby boomers” are seeing after our parents; caring for them as they once cared for us. One major task many of us are facing is the resettling process.

As part of the resettling process we are cleaning and readying their old homes and their new.  We are moving our parents into our homes, looking after theirs, down-sizing, or settling them in at an assisted living facility.

Whichever path you find your family on gives you a heavy workload.  When ready to make new living arrangements you don’t have to do it alone; SERVPRO of The Windsors can help! We are proud to offer pack-out, cleaning, and emergency services. 

SERVPRO of The Windsors works with families and municipalities to assist in the preparation and maintenance of elderly housing. We clean and sanitize prior to move-in, after accidents including bodily fluids, spills and anything else that may come up, and regular maintenance cleaning from window washing to carpet cleaning. SERVPRO of The Windsors is a comprehensive company offering services to meet all your needs. 

We also pride ourselves on our ability to cater our services to the needs of each specific job.  We understand certain jobs may need to move at a slower speed, comfortable for our elderly customers, or perhaps there is an urgency in cleaning after an accident so a resident can get home quickly, whatever the circumstances we are #heretohelp! 

SERVPRO 48th Annual Convention 2017!

7/17/2017 (Permalink)

Our chief enjoying Seattle!!

SERVPRO’S 48th Annual Convention took place June 24th -28th 2017!  This year the event was hosted in Seattle, Washington!  It was our team’s first time visiting The Emerald City! It was a blast! Home to Starbucks, the Space Needle and the popular Pike Place Market; Seattle is a one of a kind city! The views from Mount Rainier were breathtaking, the food fresh and delicious, and the weather quite different than what us New Englanders are used to!  Overall our team had a great time and enjoyed all the new experiences that defined the trip! 

Besides the fun in Emerald City our team dedicated some time to attend informational workshops. The workshops consisted of content on the latest and greatest techniques, products, features, and tools our SERVPRO system will be providing to our customers!

Another highlight of the SERVPRO convention is the Awards Extravaganza!  This year SERVPRO of The Windsors was recognized and awarded with the Chairman’s Bronze award.  This particular award grants us tremendous pride as it recognizes are continuous growth, dedication and commitment to our customers, community, and SERVPRO family!

As we neared the end of convention 2017 the suspense became too much! Where will convention 2018 be?? The convention concluded with the big reveal!  Drum roll please! Dun da dunnnn!! Orlando!!  See you there! #Orlando2018

In The News! Part 4!

7/17/2017 (Permalink)

newspaper, balck and white, script, daily news, extra extra extra In the news! Part 4!

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire)7/10/2017— Antonio Senese of SERVPRO of The Windsors joined a group of high-performing franchisees who were recognized during an Awards Extravaganza event at the recent SERVPRO® Annual Convention. SERVPRO of The Windsors received the Chairman’s Bronze Award. More than 2,500 owners, key staff, and corporate representatives attended the annual event, which was held in Seattle at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel, June 24–28.

“We have a dedicated group of disaster remediation professionals at SERVPRO of The Windsors, and we’re proud to accept this award on behalf of our entire team,” said Senese, Owner. “Our business is just one of many extraordinary small businesses in the SERVPRO Franchise System, all of which benefit from the innovative tools, the business framework, and the ongoing training SERVPRO provides. This support is a big part of the reason why SERVPRO has been an industry leader in disaster cleanup, restoration and remediation services for 50 years.”

Each year, the Awards Extravaganza event is a highlight of the convention. The 2017 convention theme, “Every Day is GAMEDAY,” was a thread running through the 50 breakout sessions and three general sessions available to franchise owners and key team members in attendance. In keeping with the theme, the keynote speaker was Ross Bernstein, an inspirational business speaker and best-selling sports author. Bernstein’s signature program, “The Champion’s Code: Building Relationships Through Life Lessons of Integrity and Accountability from the Sports World to the Business World” (www.rossbernstein.com), reinforces the concept that individuals win games, but TEAMS win championships.

“As we celebrate our 50th year of providing world-class service to home and business owners who find themselves faced with sudden and unexpected disasters, the message that Bernstein delivers resonates. Our company’s success is built on the professionalism, caring, and integrity of our individual franchisees, like this year’s award winners. But the focus of the company as a whole is on providing the tools and training these individuals need to succeed,” said Sue Steen, Chief Executive Officer of SERVPRO Industries, Inc. “This annual gathering is our opportunity to share the latest in technology and insights with our owners, to congratulate this year’s award winners, and thank the extraordinary entrepreneurs—the team that has kept us at the top of our business category year after year.”

For more information about SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or visit www.SERVPROthewindsors.com.

Summer Time Home prep!

6/15/2017 (Permalink)

ocean water, birds, script, summer, patterns, colorful Enjoy the summer!

This has been a crazy year! Some days have felt like summer has already began! The warmer seasons are the perfect time to get our homes in order, with that in mind here are some summer time house preparation tips!

  • Get your sprinkler systems ready to go, have serviced as necessary!
  • Replace batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors!
  • Power wash the exterior of your home!
  • Wash the windows! Inside and out!
  • Clean out your ducts!
  • Clean your gutters!
  • Change your air filters!
  • Ensure your attic vents are clean and functioning properly!
  • Clean decks and walkways!
  • Inspect and repair your roof!
  • Inspect hoses for leaks!
  • Clean your drapery!
  • Clean your fireplace!
  • Reseal your patio!
  • Clean your screen doors! 
  • Have your HVAC system serviced! 

If you need any help you know who to call! 860-627-0763 

In The News! Small Business Week!

4/10/2017 (Permalink)

commercial buildings in blue, script small business week Small business week!

East Windsor, CT, 4/20/2017(Grassroots Newswire) —From April 30 to May 6, 2017, America will celebrate Small Business Week*, an annual event sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA). According to Antonio Senese, owner of SERVPRO® of The Windsors, Small Business Week is an opportunity for national and community leaders to recognize the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners to the country’s economy.

Sense emphasizes there is nothing “small” about small business when it comes to its importance to the nation’s economic health. According to statistics from the SBA, 28 million small businesses in America account for 54 percent of all U.S. sales; of those 28 million businesses, the 600,000 U.S. franchised small businesses, like SERVPRO, account for 40 percent of all retail sales and provide jobs for some eight million people. As these local business people work to grow their businesses, they help create 21st century jobs, drive innovation, and increase America’s global competitiveness.

For entrepreneurs like Senese, becoming a franchise owner is one path to small business ownership. “Entrepreneurship is at the heart of a successful small business—the drive to own and grow a business through your own efforts,” said Sue Steen, SERVPRO Industries, Inc., chief executive officer. “Franchise organizations like SERVPRO give entrepreneurs a framework for their ambitions, access to state-of-the-art tools and processes, and a roadmap for sound financial management and growth.”

Some franchised small businesses offer entrepreneurs an opportunity to own and run their own small business while providing a service to the community they live and work in. With SERVPRO, for example, franchise ownership helps entrepreneurs combine their hometown knowledge and the emotional investment they have with their community with access to the latest disaster remediation technology and products. This combination creates a community asset that could prove invaluable to home and business owners who are struck by the unexpected.

“I’m proud to be a small business owner in my community,” says Senese. “But, as a SERVPRO small business owner, I know that the unexpected can happen – a flood, a fire, an explosion, a storm, a mudslide, whatever the event might be – big or small. When the unexpected does happen, I’m also proud to know that my staff and I are ready to respond immediately and effectively to limit the damage to property and disruption to lives in my community. Having both an emotional and financial stake in the community is what distinguishes small businesses with local owners from other businesses. And that’s what makes small businesses such an important thread in the fabric of this country.” SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or office@SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on the SERVPRO mobile app and the SERVPRO Emergency READY Program, please visit http://www.SERVPROthewindsors.com

In The News! Part 3

3/13/2017 (Permalink)

gol ball background, servpro logo, pga tour logo, golfer, script SERVPRO is a proud sponsor of the PGA!

SERVPRO Expands PGA Sponsorship with PGA Fantasy Golf

Local cleanup and restoration specialist says the season’s first major golf tournament is a great time to “master” Fantasy Golf skills,

(Grassroots Newswire) —There is an old adage: “It never rains on a golf course.” As the official cleanup and restoration company of the PGA TOUR, SERVPRO knows this isn’t true, but rain or shine, fans follow their favorite players’ performance at PGA golf tournaments throughout the season. Recognizing the ever-growing popularity of the game, SERVPRO has expanded its relationship with the PGA TOUR by becoming the presenting sponsor of the PGA Fantasy Golf games, available at pgatour.com/fantasy. “We know people don’t associate SERVPRO with the wide-open spaces and fair weather feeling of a golf course. After all, SERVPRO is the company you turn to when the unexpected, even the unthinkable, happens to your home or business,” says Antonio Senese, owner of SERVPRO® of The Windsors. “But each SERVPRO business is also a local business, there to support the community in good times and bad. Teaming up with the PGA TOUR as the sponsor of their Fantasy Golf Suite helps us build connections within our local community. We want local home and business owners to know that we are there for them ready to respond at a moment’s notice if things go wrong.” The new “One & Done” games were launched on January 3, 2017*, but the game structure allows players to join in on the fun at any point during the current season. Each week, game players select one player to earn points for them in that week’s tournament. The PGA Tour Fantasy game is based on accumulated FedEx Cup points and the PGA Tour Champions game is based on accumulated Charles Schwab Cup points. A player may select a given golfer for a tournament in each of the One & Done games only once in each season. Since some tournaments earn a pro golfer more points than others, game strategy is based on selecting the right golfers for the right tournaments. “With the first major tournament of the season—The Masters—just around the corner, now is a great time to start your One & Done game for this year’s tour,” says . “If you ‘master’ the trick of choosing the right golfers in the right tournaments, you could jump to the top of your Fantasy league.” The top finisher in the PGA TOUR game will win a new set of golf clubs, while the top prize for the PGA TOUR Champions game is a trip for two to the Charles Schwab Cup Championship at Phoenix Country Club in Phoenix, Arizona, November 6-12. SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at (860)627-0763 or Office@SERVPROthewindsors.com  


Emergency Board-up

1/4/2017 (Permalink)

Emergency board up in Windsor,CT

Did you know we do emergency board ups and roof tarping? Here is a picture of a job we recently did after a tree fell on the house in Windsor, CT. After getting the fallen tree off the property the next stop was to board the skylight and tarp the roof. Nothing like hanging out on a roof first thing in the morning to get your blood flowing for the day! Our crew secured the roof ensuring no debris, weather conditions, or animals further adversely affected the house.  Our team then went inside and cleaned the fallen glass and building materials to ensure safe living conditions.  We pride ourselves in our ability to handle any situations that may arise, if you have any needs or questions please don’t hesitate to call us! 860-627-0763

Construction Services

12/22/2016 (Permalink)

Pictured here is a home we built from the ground up! New construction projects are always fun!

Did you know SERVPRO of The Windsors does more that water, fire, and mold clean-up? We also offer a number of construction services.  The nature of our business connects us with homeowner’s who need to rebuild their property after devastation.  In our desire to provide further assistance to our customers we offer consturction services. From simple demo to complete home rebuilds and remodels to new construction.  Here is just a few of the construction services we offer:

  • General contracting
  • Drywall removal
  • Drywall installation
  • Hardwood floor repair
  • Painting
  • Additions
  • Post construction clean-up

We offer many additional services as well including storage, electronics restoration, emergency temporary board up and roof tarp. Please contact our office at (860)-627-0763 with any of your construction questions and needs!

Commercial Water Damage at LL Bean

12/21/2016 (Permalink)

Our team on site at LL Bean for water remediation.

Imagine this, you’re a retailer, it is December 20th, 5 days to Christmas and you have a pipe break which released a large amount of water through your building, what do you do? You call SERVPRO of course!  This scenario is the exact nightmare our customer at LL Bean experienced.  During peak holiday shopping hours LL Bean at Evergreen Walk in South Windsor, CT had to close their store and remediate the water damage! LL Bean called us here at SERVPRO of The Windsors and we immediately responded.  We overstaffed the job to accelerate the remediation process!  Our crew worked vigorously to get the store back up and running as quickly as possible.  The likable staff at LL Bean was pleasantly surprised at how quickly after the loss we were able to get the doors back open!  We understand how crucial it is for businesses to continue operating even after devastation and are proud to work with fellow businesses to achieve this goal!

In The News!! Part 2!

12/12/2016 (Permalink)

green background, script- emergency ready profile, ready plan Call us at 860-627-0763 to inquire about your ERP!

SERVPRO Urges Home and Business Owners to “Resolve to be Ready” in 2017

Local cleanup and restoration specialist shares no-cost emergency planning tools that enable fast and effective disaster response and recovery

East Windsor, CT (Grassroots Newswire) —With New Year’s Eve rapidly approaching, now is the perfect time to think about making some resolutions, according to Antonio Senese, owner of SERVPRO® of The Windsors. While resolutions typically involve committing to personal changes and reaching goals, Senese says the single most important resolution both business and home owners can make for 2017 is to “Resolve to be Ready.”

“Preparing in advance to deal with the unexpected can make a world of difference in how quickly and completely property owners can put the pieces of their lives back together,” Senese says . “Emergency readiness plans are the foundation for effective and timely emergency response.”

Senese encourages all property owners to take advantage of the no-cost emergency planning tools available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)*, as well as SERVPRO’s Emergency READY Profile and READY Plan Mobile App.

For homeowners:

  • FEMA resources include guidelines for a creating a Family Emergency Plan and Emergency Supply List, with additional tips for pet owners, seniors, people with disabilities, and even commuters.
  • SERVPRO of The Windsors offers their free SERVPRO READY Plan app, which stores critical contact and property information electronically in advance, where it can be accessed with a mobile device in seconds if disaster strikes.

For business owners:

  • FEMA offers materials on topics ranging from creating a Business Continuity Plan to an Insurance Discussion Coverage Form in addition to guidelines for creating an Emergency Response Plan.
  • For businesses, SERVPRO of The Windsors offers a no-cost facility assessment and assistance in creating a comprehensive Emergency READY Profile® (ERP). The ERP includes information about emergency contact numbers, priority and high/risk areas, shut-off valve locations and more that can then be stored in the READY app.

“The time to gather and store information like emergency contact numbers; insurance contacts; and the location of fuse boxes, fire suppression system controls, and such is before an emergency strikes, not during an emergency,” says Senese. “Having this information at your fingertips can help emergency responders react as quickly and effectively as possible, helping to limit loss of property and even lives.”

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in disaster restoration, cleanup and repair services, helping to remediate damage, making it “Like it never even happened,” for both commercial and residential customers. For more information on SERVPRO of The Windsors, please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or Office@SERVPROthewindsors.com. For more information on the SERVPRO mobile app and the SERVPRO Emergency READY Program, please visit www.ready.SERVPRO.com.


Thanksgiving Fire Safety!

11/21/2016 (Permalink)

Not yours!

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday filled with love, cheer, gratitude, family, friends, and food, lots of food! With so many homes prepping large holiday meals there are sure to be some accidents.  Did you know there are more home fires on Thanksgiving Day than any other day in the year? There are on average over 2,000 residential fires on Thanksgiving each year.

To help you and your family enjoy a safe and happy we have provided safety tips here:

  • Always stay in the kitchen when frying, or grilling food. If you have to leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the stove!
  • Keep children at least 3 feet away from the stove when it is being used
  • Keep candles out of reach of children and pets
  • Keep knives out of children’s reach
  • Keep you floor clear to avoid tripping
  • Keep electrical cords out of reach of children and pets
  • Ensure all smoke detectors are functional
  • Do not overload electrical outlets
  • Install an automatic suppression unit to stove-top hoods- these units automatically put out fires when flames reach the hood.
  • Keep your oven and stove clean of grease

We hope you find these tips useful. Please use extra caution when preparing your family’s meal this year.  If there are any mishaps don’t hesitate to call us at 860-627-0763, and remember we are #heretohelp 24/7.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Holiday Recipe!

11/21/2016 (Permalink)

Add pumpkin pie to your holiday meal with this easy recipe!

Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and good food.  With so much cooking to be done some recipes need simplifying. Here is an easy and delectable Pumpkin Pie recipe that is quick, easy, and delicious!

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie

What you’ll need:

  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 Cup of evaporated milk
  • 1 Cup of canned pumpkin
  • ½ Cup of sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla
  • ½ Cup of Bisquick
  • 1 ½ Pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 Tablespoon of margarine/butter
  • Whipped topping (if you like)

What to do:

  1. Beginning by heating your oven to 325-350ºF. (varies depending on oven)
  2. Grease a 10-inch pie pan 
  3. Mix and thoroughly blend all of the ingredients( except the whipped topping)
  4. Pour blended mix into pie pan
  5. Bake for 30-45 minutes
  6. Cool for 30 minutes
  7. Refrigerate for 2-3 or until chilled.
  8. Top with whipped topping as desired
  9. Serve and enjoy!

We hope you enjoy this recipe! Please have a safe holiday!

In The News!!

11/14/2016 (Permalink)

female fire fighter in emergency response gear, CT Thank you to all of our emergency responders!

Looking for a Great Holiday Gift Idea? Give Your Family a Fire Safety Plan

Local SERVPRO® restoration specialist highlights the difference between fire prevention planning with fire safety planning

 The holidays are approaching and many families are finalizing plans for elaborate meals, get-togethers with friends, and decorating with festive lights. Amidst all this planning, Antonio Senese of SERVPRO® of The Windsors reminds homeowners that they may be overlooking the most important plan they can make—a fire safety plan.

“Each year, statistics show the incidence of home cooking and candle fires peaks during the holiday season. This tends to focus homeowners on fire prevention precautions—and that’s a good thing,” said Senese. “But to truly protect your family from the dangers of a home fire, at the holidays and throughout the year, you need to start with a fire safety plan. Developing a fire safety plan and practicing it regularly with your family is the most important step you can take to help prevent a house fire from turning into a devastating tragedy.”

SERVPRO is a national leader and provider of fire and water cleanup and restoration services, and their disaster response professionals know from experience how devastating a home fire can be. They also know that when fire causes a loss of life, there is no “remediation” possible. This is why SERVPRO has teamed up with the American Red Cross by supporting the ARC Disaster Responder program, and in particular the Home Fire Preparedness Campaign. As a Disaster Responder, SERVPRO pledges dollars and support in advance to help the ARC develop and distribute educational materials and respond immediately when they are needed.

Senese encourages all CT homeowners to follow these fire safety guidelines, developed by the ARC through their Home Fire Preparedness Campaign, to help minimize injury or loss of life due to a residential fire.

  1. Install the right number of smoke alarms. Test them once a month and replace the batteries at least once a year.
  2. Teach children what smoke alarms sound like and what to do when they hear one.
  3. Ensure that all household members know two ways to escape from every room of your home and know the family meeting spot outside of your home.
  4. Establish a family emergency communications plan and ensure all household members know who to contact if they cannot find one another.
  5. Practice escaping from your home at least twice a year. Press the smoke alarm test button or yell “Fire” to alert everyone they must get out.
  6. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.
  7. Teach household members to STOP, DROP and ROLL if their clothes should catch on fire.

“Fire prevention and fire safety planning are two very different things,” said Senese. “Fire prevention planning helps control or eliminate the causes of a fire. Fire safety planning helps prevent injury and loss of life when a fire does break out. To protect your family and your property, you need both.” For more fire prevention and fire safety tips and information about fire and water damage restoration services, please visit www.SERVPRO.com. For more information on SERVPRO® of The Windsors , please contact Antonio Senese at 860-627-0763 or www.SERVPROthewindsors.com

Faster To Your Water Damage Event

11/9/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of The Windsors provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service!

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of The Windsors provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of The Windsors arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 –860-627-0763

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of The Windsors

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Fire Prevention!

9/22/2016 (Permalink)

This picture shows an actual house fire in Windsor, CT. that SERVPRO of The Windsors is helping the homeowner with.

SERVPRO  is a proud partner with the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross is a great program that continuously responds to disasters and emergencies.  This October we continue our partnership to help families prevent, prepare for, and recover from disasters. The “Red Cross and the community partners have already saved at least 111 lives, and have made at-risk communities from coast-to-coast stronger and safer by installing more than 473,000 smoke alarms, replacing more than 32,000 batteries and creating nearly 170,000 escape plans." 

When thinking about fire safety there are some alarming statistics.  Did you know that home fires are actually the majority of the disasters that occur?  On average, 36 people suffer injuries as a result of home fires every day.  Over $7 billion in property damage occurs every year due to home fires.  52% of parents with children ages 3-17 have not talked to their families about fire safety and

Fire prevention week is October 9th-15th this year, this is a great time to inspect your home and prepare you family for a potential fire.  Here are the three things you can do to protect your family:

  • Check your smoke alarms regularly
  • Practice fire drills at home
  • Route an escape plan

While we hope for the best, we have to prepare for the worst.  While we want all the member of our community to be safe, should disaster strike we are #heretohelp!

Fall Home Preparations

9/12/2016 (Permalink)

It’s been a wonderful summer with a historically hot August and we are sad to see it end.  September 22nd marks the first day of autumn!   In anticipation of the fall season here are some preparations to get your home ready for the season:

  • Clean your gutters-before the weather changes be sure to clean you gutters to prevent water and debris build up
  • Test your sub pump-sub pumps frequently malfunction and can cause extensive damage, test your sub pump and have it serviced regularly
  • Have vents and chimney’s cleaned-nests, beehives, an other debris can enter vents and chimneys, reducing efficiency, inspect these areas and combat any potential issues
  • Inspect furnace- before the cold weather arrives inspect your furnace, be mindful of any weird noises, inspect the hoses, and clean or replace dirty filters
  • Seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors- using weather-stripping and caulk seal gaps and cracks to eliminate drafts and reduce heating bills
  • Clean ducts-regular maintenance of your duct system allows for cleaner and healthier air quality in your home
  • Power wash your home-fall is a great time to power wash the exterior of your home
  • Inspect roof-roof damage can create huge issues for homeowners, thoroughly inspect your roof for cracks, leaks, damaged or missing shingles to avoid bigger issues later
  • Appliance maintenance-inspect your appliances, change hoses as necessary to prevent water damage
  • Clean leaves around water beds-reduce debris build up by cleaning the area around water beds

Connecticut Residents: Follow These Mold Safety Tips If You Suspect Mold

8/11/2016 (Permalink)

Be careful! Without proper training, you could be spreading mold throughout your home.

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of The Windsors for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of The Windsors specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today at (860)627-0763

SERVPRO Convention 2016

7/20/2016 (Permalink)

Our Operations Manager enjoying Las Vegas!

The 2016 SERVPRO annual convention was held in Las Vegas! Our team was delighted to visit Sin City! With our customers in mind, SERVPRO of The Windsors spent a lot of time in sessions and workshops learning new ways to better serve our customers.  Evolving with the times, SERVPRO learned about new products and features we’re looking forward to sharing with our customers!

Although there was a great deal of class time, our staff was fortunate enough to enjoy The Silver State. Having tried their luck on the casino floor, visited the Hoover Dam, and Red Rock, SERVPRO of The Windsors was able to experience much of what Nevada has to offer!

Our staff works hard to service our community and the work paid off! SERVPRO of The Windsors, was rewarded with the Millionaire’s Gold Award.  We are thankful for the recognition and proud to offer service that warrants it! A big thank you not only to our staff but our loyal customers who helped us accomplish this feat!

We are looking forward to another great year! 

Summer Begins!

6/16/2016 (Permalink)

ocean and blue sky, heart, script which reas summer, sun rays, person surfing Let the summer fun begin!

Although we have already enjoyed several warm days here in New England this year, the official first day of summer is June 20th, 2016.   As we pack away winter coats (that went under used this year) there are some things you can do to prepare your home for the season.  

     - Clean your refrigerator coils

      -Change your ac filters

      -Ensure your condensation line is clear of clogs and operating normally

      -Inspect your driveway for any potential repairs needed from plowing

      -Let out heat from the attic –high temperatures are a regular cause of mold

      -Open windows to reduce moisture in your home

      -Install screen doors; ensure the screens are in good condition

      -Install reflective/tinted windows-this will protect your furnishing and reduce cooling costs!

      -Add plants to your home-plants reduce toxins in the home and even offer health benefits!

      -Secure your hose a safe distance from home, a slow leak has caused flooded basements

     - Inspect pool for any damage that may have occurred throughout the winter season

Employee of the Week!

6/15/2016 (Permalink)

man, armand, hat, window, wall paneling, smiling man Armand, Crew Chief at SERVPRO of The Windsors!

Announcing the employee of the week….!  This week we want to recognize Armand!  Armand has been a part of our SERVPRO family since we first opened our doors. He has an extensive background in remediation, cleaning, and construction services!

When there is a difficult project or uncharted territories Armand’s out of the box thinking is an asset to problem solving!  This week Armand managed a project cleaning a boat that was extensively affected by mold.  Armand knew the best course of action to get this boat back to enjoyable conditions, all the while sharing his knowledge and training the staff. 

The end result was a clean and safe boat! The boat owner couldn’t have been happier and is looking forward to getting this vessel back in the water.  Great job Armand!

Spring Cleaning

5/11/2016 (Permalink)

Here is a list to help with your spring cleaning to ensure nothing is overlooked!

Spring Cleaning Tips

It’s that time of year again; time to freshen up the house during spring cleaning!

Being a remediation and restoration company we deal with soot clean-up, water clean-up, and staff favorite, sewage clean-up! Trust us when we say we know how to clean!  Through our work we have learned a few cleaning tricks that we are happy to share with you! Continue reading below for some Spring Cleaning tips and tricks and if the job is too bad to tackle yourself give us a call at 860-627-0763. 

There are countless articles on the internet offering Spring Cleaning tips here are several lesser known tips and tricks!

o   Use the inside of a lemon to remove water stains from metal or other hard surfaces

o   Use butter to remove water stains from wood furniture; apply butter on to the stains let it sit for 24 hours then wipe it away

o   Use clay to pick up broken glass or ceramics

o   Dish detergent works great on windows

o   Using a sheet newspaper of a paper towel is a simple way to keep the glass smear-free

o   Make sure to clean drapes at least bi-annually

o   Use a damp rubber glove to remove pet hair from furniture

o   Toss in an occasional lemon or orange in to your garbage disposal to eliminate odors and keep it clean.

o   Place your furniture and belongings on blocks to avoid staining after carpet cleaning

o   Place pillows in the dryer with tennis balls to reduce drying time and fluff your pillows

o   Brighten wicker furniture using salt and water; just apply the salt/water solution on to the furniture and let it dry in the sun

o   Use WD-40 to get scuff marks off of tile and ceramic floors

o   Improve your brooming by strengthening your broom bristles by dipping your broom into of saltwater for an hour and letting dry

o   Use a lemon sprinkled with kosher salt to clean your microwave

o   Clean mildew on showerheads, faucet heads and drains, by soaking them in vinegar

And whenever possible use green products to keep your family, pets, and environment safe!

Here to Help!

5/10/2016 (Permalink)

This picture shows the exterior of a home our company helped to rebuild after a fire in South Windsor, CT

Fires are especially devastating.  After a fire, your property will likely suffer from not only fire and smoke damage, but also widespread water damage and flooding from firefighting efforts. We understand this is a difficult time.

We’re here to help.

We can help alleviate the stress of the claims process. SERVPRO of The Windsors has specialized fire and water damage restoration training and experience. We are the leader in the restoration industry and our professionals are available 24/7.   As a national brand we have relationships with most insurance companies to ensure you receive excellent service.

Beginning with a thorough assessment of your home and belongings to negotiating with your insurance company, to completing the rebuild of your home we can guide you through the claims process.  SERVPRO of The Windsors is a comprehensive company, our services include:


Contents cleaning


Residential cleaning

Reconstruction services

After being in the industry for over 30 years and personally experiencing a fire loss, I understand the stress and hardships of suffering from a fire. If any questions or obstacles arise I am available to assist in any way possible.  I have included my direct number below; please feel free to call me directly with any questions or to schedule a no-obligation consultation; I’ll be happy to share my expertise with you. 


Antonio Senese 


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